- stan

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I heard a knock on the door and ran downstairs to open it. I was home alone, since it was summer and my parents were working.

I opened it up and saw Stanley Uris in front of me. He looked like a slightly attractive Jewish noob, not going to lie.

"Y/n! I need help! Please!" He shouted.

My heart was pounding, had something terrible happened to him? Wrong.

"I lost my goddamn bird book!"

"What?" I was confused. "What is a bird book?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. "It's a book with all different types of birds. So when you're at the bird feeder, you can identify them. It's basic knowledge.

I gestured for him to come in, but he shook his head no.

"I can't waste any time. I was just wondering if you wanted to come help me look for it."

I was confused again. Why did he choose me to help him? Why not one of his buddies like Bill or Eddie.

"Why should I help you?" I crossed my arms, staring at the noodle head looking boy that was in front of me.

"Because... " he paused and thought of a negotiation. "I'll get one of my friends to go out with you!"

I shook my head no. "You have to hang out with me. We could go to a movie or something."

He nodded. "Yeah. Okay sure."

Stan the man grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my house. I shut the door and followed him.

"Okay... so where are we going first? Where do you think you lost it?"

He chuckled. "I honestly have no idea."

I mentally looked into a camera like in the office (jk but actually though) and I hopped on the back of his bike.

The rest of the day we were looking for his stupid bird book. We never did find it. But a few days later Stan told me that he knew where it was all along and just wanted to hang out with me. So we held hands at the movies and it was a great time.

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