ー @anniemayjunkie123 X Bill

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annie sat under the slide of the Derry elementary playground, drawing during recess. she liked to be alone. Being alone was better than being made fun of by the popular girls. They made fun of her for nearly everything. she liked to get away from them and be alone.
two girls who Annie couldn't remember their names came walking snottily towards her.
"Look who it is." One girl with curled brown hair said.
"Annie the loser." The other one said.
"You're ugly."
"Why are you even here?"
"Go away, freak."
They words hurt, but Annie was strong and smart enough to not let it show. She stood up and walked away. Lifting the middle finger behind her as she left.
The two girls told the teacher and Annie got sent to the office. She sat in the waiting room, due to Henry Bowers being in their for harassing Richie Tozier, like usual. Henry Bowers had been in there for over twenty minutes and she was getting bored.
Then Bill Denbrough barged in the room.
"I n-need to s-see the p-principle." He said to the office lady.
"You'll have to wait your turn." She gave an emotionless smile, and pointed at the waiting chairs.
He huffed and sat down in the one beside me.
They sat there quietly. It was awkward.
"H-Henry Bowers is an a-asshole." he suddenly said and smiled at me.
"Yeah he is." She had the feeling to ask why he was in here but he beat her to it.
"W-What did y-you d-do?" He asked
"I flipped off some girls," Annie said. "You?"
"I-I didn't d-do anything. I-I'm h-here for a f-friend." People made fun of Bill for his stutter, but Annie thought it was cute.
The principle let Henry out of his office and motioned Annie to come in.
"S-seeya Annie."
"Bye Bill."
"T-thanks for n-not calling m-me S-stuttering Bill." He smiled again and she went inside the office.
That was the start of Bill and Annie.

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