ー the moment you realize you like them (preferences)

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bill denbrough:
Bill and You and been friends since you were about four, but you never thought of him in a romantic way, not until he stood up for you against Henry Bowers. Henry pushed you against a locker, and big Bill Denbrough came to save the day.
"Luh-luh leave her alone Bowers."
"Who's gonna make me ?" Henry let go of you and you ran towards Bill, grabbing his hand and dragging him along. The two of you ran to the front office, and Henry and his hang didn't follow.
"Thanks Bill." You smiled and he gave the brightest smile back.
"You're welcome."
He didn't let go of your hand, even when you made it to the office,

mike hanlon:
Mike was shy around you. he stared a lot, but not in a creepy way, more like a admiring way. You looked at him a lot too, but didn't think of it much. it wasn't until the eighth grade where you two finally had a conversation. You were paired up for science and had to dissect frogs.
"This is pretty gross huh." He smiled poking the frog, not stabbing, just poking lightly.
"Yeah it freaks me out." You laughed.
"You should really laugh more Y/n." Mike said. You felt yourself blushing.
"Why?" You asked, waiting for his answer.
"Because you're beautiful."

richie tozier:
Richie made fun of you all the time. Constantly poking fun. You knew he was only joking and actually found humour in it, yourself. Henry bowers and his gang were making fun of your body one day after school. You had went to the bike rack to get your bike and they happened to be there.
"Leave me alone assholes." You said to them, but they didn't leave. Not until Richie Tozier came out with a teacher. He had told the teacher they were harassing you, and were asked to go inside.
"Um.. Why did you help me?" You asked Richie.
"Well My dear," he was using a British accent, "I am the only one who gets to make fun of you."
Then he tipped his imaginary hat and walked away. You blushed, even at the funny and dumb comment. That damn Tozier.

stanley uris:
Stan the man always helped you in class. You usually needed help in math and science and he was your table mate, and always was open to help. In grade six the class got a pet goldfish and it was Stans day to feed it. while he was doing so, you went over to give him some company.
"Hey Stanny." You said, smiling.
"Hey y/n." His voice was kind of glum, and he was just staring at the fish.
"What's wrong?" You asked, and he turned to look at you. A few tears forming in his eyes.
"I killed the fish!" He bawled and struck you with a large hug.
You rubbed circles on his back and let the sensitive boy cry.

eddie kaspbrak:
the day you found out you liked Eddie was the day your mom forced you to go to the corner store. it also happened to be the place where Eddie got his asthma medicine from. You got your mom her chocolate bars and ran into him at the counter.
"Hey y/n." He flashed you a smile.
"Eddie." You smiled back.
He looked at the handful of chocolates and you suddenly felt a little self conscious.
"T-they're not all mine." You forced a small smile.
"It would be fine if they were." Eddie shrugged and then grabbed the chocolates out of your hands.
"All on me." He said to the cashier, then smiled at you.
"Oh you don't have to do that."
"I know. But I want to." He handed them to you and smiled again. "Seeya around Y/n."
Your heart fluttered and you walked out of the store.

ben hanscom:
one day at lunch you were sitting alone, reading at a table. you had friends, but liked to spend your lunches alone. that was until Ben hanscom began to sit with you. he liked literature and was a pretty good writer, so you two talked about books and authors and other random things. On a Tuesday, you left your lunch at home, and only had a book at the table. Ben liked eating; he had his whole tray full with different foods from the cafeteria.
"Where's your lunch y/n?" He sat down.
"I forgot it." You just shrugged.
"Here." he handed you his plate of fries,
"Thanks Benny." You smiled and felt a warmth in your heart. He was one of the nicest boys you knew.

beverly marsh:
The park was usually a busy place, but do to the curfew and kids being afraid, it was occupied less and less. You sat on a swing, swimming back and forward. no one was at the park, and you felt kind of lonely, until a girl with bright hair came and sat on the swing beside you.
"Hey." She said.
"Hi." You said.
"What's up?"
Then you both swung some more. You glanced at her quickly, to see her face one more time. It was pretty and her hair was the prettiest colour you had ever seen.
"Aren't you scared?" You asked her, still swinging.
"Scared?" She scoffed. "I ain't scared." You could tell because of the slight waver in her voice that she was lying. But admired that she was putting up a strong front. You just smiled to yourself and kept on swinging.


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