Chapter Nine

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Walking out my door the next morning two things registered at once. Once, Suzie wasn't parked in the drive honking impatiently. Two, Ryan was standing outside his car in my drive way.

"What are you doing here?" I asked not being able to contain the smile forming on my face.

He returned the smile as he rounded his car to the passenger seat, "I called Suzie and told her I was poking you up from now on."

I couldn't help but laugh, "And she didn't argue?"

"It took some persuasion, but she finally agreed to it," he replied as I got in the car.

He shut my door and before I knew it he was in the drivers seat.

"Like my wheels?" he asked, no doubt trying to change the subject. But come to think of it this was not the same car from yesterday.

Picking up on my confusion he said, "A member of the pack owns a dealership. I got a sweet deal."

I nodded slowly taking in the new car smell and black leather bucket seats. It was very sleek and stylish for a mans car but it no way do I speak car so again I held a confused expression that seemed to amuse him.

Chuckling he said, "It's a Camaro."

I nodded again, "Its very... blue."

He revved the engine and have me a suggestive look before pulling out of the drive way.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Back to the subject at hand. What did you say to Suzie?"

Hi eyes were dead focused o. The road and his hands were tightly wound around the stirring wheel, "Nothing important."

"Ryan--" before I could drill him more we pulled into the student parking lot. He simply got out of the car and started for the school building leaving me in the car.

I scrambled out to grab my bag and unbuckled my seat belt all while trying to open the car door.

Turns out he locked he doors after he got out. So it took me forever to find the unlock button. But once I was finally free of that stupid Camaro I ran after him.

I was pissed to say the least. He say in first hour as if he didn't just lock me in a car. I was ready to walk over and give him a piece of my mind. But someone was trying to get my attention from down the hall.

"Juliet! Juliet over here!" Mary was yelling and flailing her arms in the air like a fool trying to get my attention. I seen Suzie standing beside her at our lockers. Something was up.

I gave Ryan one more glance before turning on my heels and heading toward my locker.

"What's up, girls," I asked while turning the dial on my locker.

Mary was bouncing up and down in a giddy manner. While Suzie was just beaming with a giant grin on her face.

"Is it true?!" Mary all but yelled.

"Is what true?" I asked slowly as I owned my locker.

Once my locker was open all air left my lungs as I watched a small piece of paper float down to the floor.

"Well, is it true?" Suzie pressed.

"I'm sorry?" I asked as I bent over to retrieve the paper.

"You and Ryan are dating!" Mary squealed.

The second she said that my eyes locked in on the two words that dress the sheet.

Forgive me.

I fell into a fit of laughter. Getting it instantly.

"Is that what Ryan told you?"

She nodded with a glint in her eyes. She looked as if she was on the verge of tears, "They grow up so fast," she sniffed and whipped away fake tears.

"So you're like bf/gf?," Mary asked no doubt trying to get the full dish before anyone else. Meaning she'd be the one spreading the word.

Suzie looped her arm through mine and pulle me in the direction of first hour barely giving me time to shut my locker.

I sheepishly waved to Mary as we rounded our way into the classroom.

I could feel the small piece of paper in my hand as if it weighed a ton.

We stood in the front of the room scanning for open seats like we always door. And like a reoccurrence there is only two seats open. One is next to Ryan while he other is just in front of him.

Great, knowing Suzie she'd bombard him with a million questions. Ryan being hot tempered made me unsure of how he would react to her personality.

Luckily the bell rang by the time we sat down and the teacher arrived shortly after.

History class is boring but easy. All we had I do was write notes and read three sections from the text book for homework.

Once we were finished with our notes the teacher gave us the rest of the hour to start on our homework.

When I opened my book there was a folded up piece of paper with my name on it. I glanced over to Ryan but he was staring out the window.

Opening the note was both scary and intriguing.

--- Will you be my girl friend?

I held back the laughter as I wrote.:

--- Now you ask? What's the difference between mate and girlfriend?

I put the note under the front cover and slid the book over to him.

The book was back in front of me in ten seconds flat.

--- Ha ha ha. Mate can me brother, friend, or lover. Which do you prefer?

I rolled my eyes on habit. Damn him for making me choose. Part of me knew that I didn't really have a choice. Whether I liked t or not my heart has belonged to him our entire lives. There was no way I could ever be just his friend.

I put it simply.

--- I love you.

Once I gave him the note I wanted to hit him because I said the very same thing last night.

The bell rang as I was trying to get my head straight forcing me give up. There was no way I'd ever understand him.

We grabbed our things and headed out into the hallway. I could see Suzie was about to burst at the seams as Ryan whispered in my ear, "See you at lunch," planting a kiss on my lips with such force it left me breathless wanting more.

Suzie let out a big breath once he was out of ear shot. " Oh My damn. You guys make the cutest couple ever!"

I nodded in agreement but there was a certain dread that told me it might not last.

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