Chapter Fifteen [Ryan's POV]

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[Ryan’s POV]

I heard Juliet’s scream before I realized I could communicate with her. Telling her everything was going to be alright but she didn’t respond. I could only feel her fear and agony as those bastards hurt her.

The next few minutes were terrible as Leo’s toughest men held me down. Finally I just gave in and transformed into my human self. I didn’t feel like fighting anymore. If I couldn’t fight for her, I wasn’t going to fight for myself.

“Your lives will be spared if you cease to be a threat to my remaining men,” Leo said to my pack.

I couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle. The only men he had left were the cowards that hid. Leaving him with four; the two that went after Juliet and the two pinning me down right now.

My head shot up as I heard footsteps nearing.  Stepping out of the clearing stood Megs. At first I was happy to see her. After all she was supposed to be on our side until I seen the necklace dangling from her left hand.

She slowly made her way to Leo’s right side and held up the locket, “Is this what you were after?” she asked Leo as if she had no idea what she held in her hand.

He smiled at her as he took hold of the heart. Only to drop it seconds later, “Ahh. What the hell?” he screeched.

“It contains a soul, what do you expect?” she mumbled crossing her arms. “Grab it by the chain.”

He glared at her before bending over to retrieve it. This time taking hold of the chain and then slowly lifting into the air. Dangling it in front of my face he said, “How close do you hold this to your heart?” he mocked.

I lunged at him only to be shoved down onto my stomach.

He held out his hand to Megs as she handed him a K9 tooth. But much larger, thicker, and sharper.

“Recognize this?” he teased. “It belonged to your failure of a brother,” then he stood to face my pack. “Your failure of an Alpha!”

I heard the rumble of growls behind me but they were all smart enough not to make a play at him. They might be able to kill him but his men could kill me first.

He placed the necklace down in front of me, four inches from my face. Before I knew what was happening he stabbed it with the tooth.

“No!” I cried out as I felt the soul being released from silver locket that had been containing  it for the past seventeen years.

Two out comes were probable now. And right now I didn’t hold out much hope for the best one as I felt her slip away from me.

Then I heard the long strides of two men coming toward us, “Megan was right. The girl is dead.”

Just hearing the words out loud made my worst fear come alive as my wolf re-submerge. The men that had been pinning me down lost their grip as I grew in size instantly tearing them to shreds. These men weren’t my equals but a lab experiments.  Mutts, to me and my packs pure breed nature. They held no special qualities except strength and speed.

Leo and Megs were going to be harder to kill but I was going to have fun doing it. I instantly forbad my pack to interfere. It was all me from here on out.

I ripped his left and right hand men to shreds easily. They were also mutts. He only changed them so he could have minions that were so easy to manipulate. What with one having a drinking problem and the other thinking he’s God.

“Any last words?” I asked as I came up on Megs.

She hadn’t transformed, or ran like I had initially expected. But she was a warrior above all else so no doubt she’d want to go out like one.

But that didn’t explain why she didn’t transform. Not to mention why she was staring behind me rather than at me as I made my way towards to kill her.

“What are you waiting for? Kill her!” Leo screamed into my mind. “Or are you too chicken to kill the girl who sold out your precious human.”

My target quickly changed as I turned in Leo’s direction. “Silly, boy. I’ll gladly kill you first if you’re that impatient to die,” I probed into his hell hound of a brain.

His whole demeanor changed as I charged toward him. Surprising enough he headed right towards me.  Without hesitation we slammed right into each other. Both of us flying in the opposite direction; him flying a little further into the trunk of a far off tree.

He wasn’t as scrawny as he was six months ago but he was still pretty small. Smaller then Fury, and she was only twelve.

I got up and slowly made my way across the clearing only to step on something cold and metal. Lifting my paw I seen the locket that has been around Juliet’s neck for six months and now it was dead just  like she was.

I felt something take a chuck out of my flank making me realize my guard was down. It also made me realize how much of a dumbass Leo truly was.

I stretched out my back leg and the muscle instantly flexed to where it was too big for his jaw forcing him to let loose with a small howl, before his jaw latched onto my neck.

This was not happening, I thought as I was pushed onto my side with his sharp teeth looking to find my jugular.

I was slowly losing the nerve to fight. My pack was safe, my mate was dead. And you should be, too, said my wolf who rarely ever made an appearance when I was in human form. I shook my head trying to shake off both the thoughts and Leo’s grip on my neck, with no luck.

Basically I was screwed. I didn’t have the will to fight but this bastard did only because he was a coward.

I slowly started giving into the pain and lack of oxygen he inflicted now that he was in the right spot. I was almost completely gone when a rush of oxygen entered my lungs, and Leo was no longer standing over me but across the field.

I slowly sat up as I gain complete consciousness to find the culprit who went against orders. Expecting it to be Fury or even Megs. Okay, Megs was a long shot. But who t actually was surprised me more than if it were my own brother who came from beyond the grave to save his little brother. But no, it wasn’t Jeremy.

It was… Juliet?

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