Run Away

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I don't know what happened but Luna seemed to melt in the kiss but I instantly pulled back and fell from the chair muttering, "I'm sorry." Luna tried to help me up but I got up and said sorry one last time before running out of the tent. I took one look back and the last thing I saw was Luna kneeling on the ground with her face on her hands, sobbing.

Then, the shadows seem to suck me in and then the next thing I knew was I was standing in the middle of the Hunter's camp. Then I felt like I've been absorbed of energy and felt weak on the knees. Then, I saw Artemis get out of her tent then our gazes met each other. "Ah crap." I said before running like my life depended on it. An arrow whizzed past my shoulder and I growled. An arrow better not hit me again.

Then I reached a dead end. "Oh shayza." I muttered. I turned around and cursed my luck. I was already surrounded. All of them had their bows aimed at me and Artemis was glaring at me with such intensity that it was amazing that I didn't flinch. "Oh look, you're back. Now, where were we before you dropped of the conversation?" growled Artemis.

I forced myself to look like the 18-year-old dude, Apollo, all chillaxed and then smiled. "Oh hey, Artemis. Nice to see you again. I just saw a rabbit and tried to hunt it down. Do you know that rabbits taste good?" I said with an incrediblely smooth tone and it helped covering up my lie that I didn't actually see a rabbit, I saw Lycaon.

Artemis looked like she'd been slapped in the face. Then the brunette stepped forward. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she did too. "Then why did you say you were going away from us?" She said with a smug expression. Artemis was glaring at me again. I couldn't think of anything so... "Of course away from you. The bunny was running away so, I had to follow it which means away from you." with a smile.

Artemis raised her eyebrows. "Why were you running then?" She hissed. I opened my mouth so speak but she waved her hand, cutting me off. "Never mind. That's not necessary. You're a boy, of course you'll run away." Then, there was a blight flash. Right next to me was the god of the Sun, Apollo.

" 'Sup sis, why the wrong face?" Apollo asked. Artemis replied with, "Apollo, what are you doing here?" Apollow 'tsk'ed. "I asked you first. Now answer me." Artemis pointed at me and hissed, "Him." Apollo raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "What'd you do?" he asked. I couldn't lie to him. He was the god of Truth. I decided to tell the truth but then a voice entered my mind, "I'll back you up, bro."

I silently thanked him and said, "I saw a bunny. I ran after it." simple as that. Then Artemis said, "That doesn't explain why you ran away when you were at camp!" Oh wow, one minute she says he doesn't care then next minute she demands why. Oh wow. "Because I got hit in the shoulder by a poisoned arrow while I was running." Well, that was the truth, so HA!

There was an awkward silence  then Artemis spoke up, "Who did it?" the brunette immediately tensed. I inwardly laughed. "The brown-haired one." I said while pointing my hand at her. Apollo raised his eyebrow, "Why won't you just point at her with one finger?" I grinned "One finger is pointed at the one being accused while your other four fingers is pointing at you."

Apollo nodded his head. "Good point." Artemis immediately dragged the girl where we couldn't hear them talk.

Then, after a while, they came back. "Brother, you may leave now. Tidus, come with us." Artemis said, gesturing the Hunters and I to follow her. I looked at Apollo and gave me a thumbs up before flashing away.

I sprinted, following Artemis and the Hunters. Then, a thought occured to me. "Hunters" is the title for boys and "Huntresses" are for girls so why-

"Tidus, you sleep there." Artemis said pointing to a black with blue outline tent next to a plain yellow tent. I nodded and sprinted towards my tent and zipped the entrance open. I stepped inside and my jaw dropped. Wow, this tent is HUGE. I mean like, 2 lions could fit in here.

There was a blue mattress and that was the only thing in the tent. Oh well, atleast there was a bed. Then I stepped outside, just in time to see a girl with orange hair run towards Artemis. I walked towards her but stopped within a few feet from Artemis and her but I could hear exactly what they were saying. "Lady Artemis, I spotted a group of Dracaenae, and there were lots of them."

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