Lycaon and Luna

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When I entered the shadows, it felt.. different. Then I entered a camp. There were different people, helping each other get wood and other stuff. Then a girl that looked 17, looked at me. She was wearing a white dress (Greek style), white sandals and she also had a necklace but I couldn't make out the details of it. She had blonde hair too.

She then ran by my side and helped me go to the infirmary. I sat down on a log chair while the girl was waiting outside. A guy with jet black hair with a plain white T- shirt and green camo pants and slippers about 26 years old told me to relax and close my eyes while he removed the arrow.

When he was removing the arrow, it felt like my shoulder was being ran over by a car because of the agony. I could hear him sigh in relief, "You're lucky there wasn't much poison in the arrow, kid." he said to me.

He then made me drink some kind of liquid that will increase my protection inside my body and kill the poison. I thanked him and he nodded and said it was no problem.

When I exited the tent, I bumped onto the girl that took me to the infirmary. "Oh sorry I was waiting for-" she was cut off when she realized it was me. "Oh, you're all good!" she exclaimed then her eyes met mine. For the first time, I realized she had violet eyes. The same eyes that the werewolf that bit me had.

My watch beeped three times before stopping. It was time to go back. I stood up and brushed some of the dirt and grass on my pants off before turning. And I wish I hadn't. Because right in front of me, is a wolf and it was bigger than usual and had violet eyes.

"I'm screwed." I muttered under my breath.

I slowly went backwards, towars the edge of the cliff. I could always swim to the shore and run but that thought was changed by a pack of wolves coming out of the forest, and they were surrounding the lake. I inwardly groaned. Great, that idea's out. I glanced at the wolf infront of me. It's like it was staring into my soul. Then I remembered what my dad once said, "Remember, son. Even though you think they're not real, doesn't mean they don't exist." he said that when I didn't believe in them. The Greek gods and goddesses. But it had no connect-

I was cut off by a horn. It sounded like a hunting horn. Then I saw silver. My jaw dropped and a thought raced into my head. Please save me. Please. And as if answering my prayer, an arrow shot the wolf infront of me, on the shoulder. The wolf howled in agony and growled menacingly.

Then the next thing happened was epic.

Girls with silver clothes and hunting bows with arrows and quivers came from the forest. And in front of them was a girl probably 12 or 14 years old with auburn hair. Then she looked at me. What caught my attention was her eyes. Silver eyes. Again, my jaw dropped. I didn't know what happened next but I immediately bowed. The girl raised her eyebrow but turned to the girls. "Hunters, fire!"

The 'hunters' did as were told by the girl. All of them started shooting the wolves. Some where retreating, some where fighting back. Heck, some where even dead and they disinegrated to dust. I blinked. "What the heck just happened?" I thought outloud. Then the silver-eyed girl turned to me and snapped, "No time for questions, boy. Now go before-" she was cut off.

Because the big wolf bit me. I groaned in pain. "Oh dang, this is worst than getting pecked by a parrot..." I muttered.

"You're the one that..." I didn't finish my sentence because she finished it for me, "...that bit you." We looked into each other's eyes before I snapped out of it. "Uh, do you know why I'm here?" I asked her.

The girl seemed to snap out of it too because she replied, "Oh, right. You're now a werewolf and that means that you need to stay with us but you can always hunt out of camp or go on missions. By the way, I'm Luna Seismos. How about you?"

I replied with, "Name's Tidus Keravnos." and then flashed her a smile. I don't know why but she seemed woozy when I did that. "Well, seeing your new here, you need to talk to Lycaon." she said.

"Where is he?" I asked. She offered her hand, "I'll show you." she said. I grabbed her hand and she ran towards a big red tent.

We stopped at the front of the tent and I let go of her hand. She seemed dissapointed when I did that. "This is the tent of Lycaon. Didn't expect it to be so simple, huh?" she asked. I nodded and then a rough voice said, "Come in." Luna nodded to me and we went inside. When we sat down in a log chair like the one in the infirmary, Luna looked nervous.

"I have been expecting you, Tidus." said the voice. "The tent is sound proof, do not worry." Then from the shadows, came a man. He looked like 32 years old but what caught my gaze was his eyes. They were glowing red.

"You were the voice?" I asked him. The man nodded. "You may call me Lycaon," he stopped then looked at me. "Have you called your parents yet?" he asked. I shook my head. "Call them, and I shall talk to them. I nodded and took out my iPhone 4 then I went to my contacts and clicked "Mom".

The phone ringed and I gave it to Lycaon. The phone made an answering sound. "Tidus? Is this you? Why aren't you home yet?" came the voice of my mom. Lycaon gave me a look and I knew what I had to say, "Mom, my uh..." Lycaon mouthed the word "friend". I nodded, "My friend will explain everything, mom." I said. "Okay, Tidus." said mom.

I looked at Luna. She was holding my hand. My eyebrows shot up. "Uh, Luna..." I whispered to her. Luna blinked before looking at our hands. She blushed furiously before letting go of it and crossing her arms and whispering, "Sorry."

After a while, I could here Lycaon saying goodbye to my mom then he hung up. He gave me my phone and I put it in my pocket. "Your mom, Andrea, actually took it well, Tidus. She said she was expecting that. Do not worry." he said. My eyebrows shot up.

"What else did my mom say?" I asked. "She said that you should visit and stay with her for only next week because of your graduation." Lycaon said. I nodded. Then he spotted Luna. Lycaon cracked a smile. "I see you have met Luna." he said.

"Yeah..." I said. I could practically see Luna's cheeks heat up. "As you may not know, but you will now, the werewolf that bites the victim, becomes his or her companion. Meaning, you two are companions and can sense if either of you are in danger." said Lycaon with an amused look.

Then Lycaon looked at me and a voice entered my mind, There is also a connection between the werewolf and victim. And then he said, Would you kill me? I was taken aback by his question I gave him my wolf stare.

I replied with, No, I will not.

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