Encountering The Gods

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Before I could even reply, I was in a huge room with marble floor and columns. There were even thrones with- Oh my god. I just realized they were 20 FEET TALL! They must be gods or something...

"We are." they said at the same time. Okay, talk about W.T.F moment. A guy who looked 18 or so grinned. "I agree with you, bro." I scanned the room then my gaze landed on Artemis. I cocked my head at her, asking a unsaid question.

She spoke up, "Welcome to Olympus." My jaw dropped. Okay, now I really need to research about them. My life sucks. The a guy with a lightning bolt said, "Who are you and you dare enter the throne room without-"

He was cut off by Artemis, "Father, I am the one who sent him here." The lightning dude looked at Artemis with fury before I thought. No offense but I dunno if you can hear me or something 'cause she saved my life...?

As soon as I projected  my thoughts, everyone's head snapped to my direction. All of their attention was focused on me. I looked at Artemis. I take it that I'm using multiple telepathy now? I asked. She nodded.

Then there was a laugh. We all looked at the 18-year old dude. "I- I can't belive he- he called Zeus lightning dude!" he laughed. Then a guy with shoes with wings laughed along. "That's the first time I heard that after all these years of no visitors!"

Then a girl who was looking on the mirror while putting on make-up looked at me. Her eyes widened before her jaw dropped. And again, no idea why.

Then Artemis said, "Apollo, sun." The 18-year old guy, who was Apollo, wheezed before snapping his fingers. And before I knew it, the sun was up. I was like: Okay, what the heck? Then I felt intense pain again, this time it hurt like HELL!

My paws turned into hands and feet, my tail disappeared and my snout turned back into a normal  nose and mouth. No more fur and I looked normal again. "Ow, that hurt like hell." I muttered. Then I realized they were all staring at me. Even the girl with the mirror.

"What?" I asked. Then the girl with the mirror's jaw dropped and looked at me hungrily. I slowly went backwards. Then the lightning dude, who was Zeus, boomed, "Aphrodite, there is no time for flirting. Everyone, snap!"

Everyone blinked before looking at me again. "Why are you not bowing to me?" Zeus boomed. "Because... I don't know who you are...?" I guessed but it was really the truth. The dude looked at Apollo for confirmation and he nodded.

Zeus sighed. "Very well. We will introduce ourselves." Then he stood up. "I am Zeus, King of Olympus. God of the sky, lightning, storm, and many more." and sat down again. My jaw dropped to form an 'O'.

Then a lady in a wedding dress who was right next to Zeus stood up. "I am Hera, Queen of Olympus. Goddess of marriage and more." and she sat down again. Okay, I get it. King and Queen of Olympus. WAIT- hold up. OLYMPUS?

Apollo grinned and stood up. "Yeah, bro. Olympus. I am Apollo, twin brother of Aremis and god of the sun and arts." and sat down again. Okay, Artemis had a brother.

Then a lady holding a book with stormy gray eyes stood up. "I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and intelligence." and sat back down. Okay, atleast I knew her. She was basically in almost every war game about Greeks and stuff. Then she flashed me a smile. I guess she heard my thoughts.

Then, the mirror lady stood up and gave me a flirtatious smile, "I am Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty and many more." and she sat down again. Okay, goddess of love... Ah, I remember. My dad said she was a player. That's bad.

Then a guy with a hammer stood up, "I am Hepheastus, husband of Aphrodite, and the god of forge, volcanoes, and more." and sat back down. Oh cool forges!

Then a dude with armor stood up, "Name's Ares. Lover of Aphrodite and god of WAR!" and sat back down. I don't know why but I grinned at him, and he grinned back. Zeus and Hera raised an eyebrow.

Then a man with a trident stood up. Oh I know him. "I am Poseidon, King of Atlantis and god of the sea." and sat back down.

Then a dude with a bottle of beer stood up, "I'm Dionysus. The god of WINE!" he bellowed before sitting back down. Ooh, wine.

Then the guy with winged sandals stood up, "I am Hermes. God of messengers and messages." and sat back down.

Then a lady with a throne full of plants stood up, "I am Demeter, goddess of agriculture and mother of Persephone." and sat back down.

Then Artemis stood up, "I am Artemis, goddess of the Hunt and moon. Twin sister of Apollo." and sat back down.

On the corner of my eye, I could see a girl tending a fireplace. I flashed her a smile, since I couldn't say "Hi" to her. Then she smiled back.

Then Zeus said, "Well, now do you know us?" I nodded my head respectfully. "Even before all of you introduced, I only knew Artemis, Athena, Poseidon and Ares." I said. Said gods and goddesses perked up. "And why is that?" Zeus asked. I shrugged, "All of them were in online games I play. Except Artemis. I already met her a while ago." Ares, Poseidon, and Athena grinned.

"Very well. And Artemis, why did you send him here?" Zeus asked. Artemis said, "Father, this boy has been bitten by a werewolf. If my Hunters and I didn't come, he would've been killed by the others. Father, Lycaon has risen again."

As soon as she said that, the room went cold. "WHAT?" Zeus bellowed in anger. "The werewolf that bit him was probably the second-in-command considering it was almost as big as Lycaon." said Artemis.

Zeus growled, "Very well. And boy?" he asked me. "Yes... Lord Zeus?" I replied. "Your name?" he asked. I said, "I'm Tidus Keravnos. Son of Heron Keravnos and Andrea Rosas."

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