New Mission

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Everyone's eyes were on my. I shuffled my feet awkwardly. Zeus said, "Tidus Keravnos..." I looked up. "Do you know that your name holds a very strong meaning?" he asked. I shook my head. "Tidus... is a strong name. It holds something... strong within you. Keravnos means Lightning in Greek." he said.

"Cool..." I muttered. MY NAME ROCKS! Zeus cracked a smile. Guess he read my thoughts. "Do you know that being a werewolf has its own advantages and disadvantages?" he asked.

I nodded. "The advantages of being a werewolf is your agility and strength will increase and as well as your eye sight. You are also immortal." As soon as he said that, my eyes widened. "The disadvantages are, however, bad and you know them." I nodded.

"That is why I am sending you and Artemis on a mission to hunt Lycaon down." he finally said. Artemis nearly fell off her throne. "What!? Father, I can-" Zeus cut her off. "What I say is final. Meeting adjourned." and as he said that, everyone flashed out except for Artemis and I and Apollo. My sister hates men, bro. Good luck, you'll need it. Apollo said in my mind before teleporting away.

"I shouldn't have brought you here." hissed Artemis. I looked down. I guess Apollo was right. Artemis hates men. I suck. "But Father already sent you on the mission. Along with I." she hissed. "Let us go and tell my hunters, boy."

I nodded and she touched my shoulder then flashed us away. It felt like going on a roller coaster except 5x more faster and more shorter and 80.5% chance of making you sick.

Then the Hunters aimed all their bows at me. "What are you doing with Lady Artemis, boy?" the brunette hissed. Artemis commanded them to lower their bows but they were still glaring. "Father has sent us on a mission with... him." she pointed at me.

Oh how I wish I could just have a normal life. I just stared at the grass. "What is the mission, Milady?" asked the brunette, completely ignoring me. "We must hunt down Lycaon." There were several gasps around the Hunters. "The King of the Werewolves, milady?" asked the hunter again.

"Yes, The King of the Werewolves. We must hunt him down. With the help of his own kin." Artemis said, giving me a pointed look. There were whispers around the Hunters of "Werewolf", "Zeus must be insane", and many more.

Artemis faced me. "Tell us, boy. Where is Lycaon?" she growled. I don't know what happened but I heard a voice in my head, Follow me, young one. I looked around and saw a shadow. Above the shadow was haunting red eyes, and they were slightly glowing. The beast ran away. Follow me. The voice said again.

And I did. I grabbed the tree branch and jumped and landed on the sand with a 'thump!'. I got up and ran towards the direction of the shadow. I could hear Artemis yelling orders to follow me.

I ducked an arrow aimed for my head. I growled and yelled, "Hey, watch the arrow!" and that only cost more arrows to try and hit me. I ran full speed and jumped over a creak. I could see the shadow right ahead of me.

It turned a sharp right and I followed it. Then an arrow hit me on the shoulder. I howled in pain. Now I could feel what the violet-eyed wolf felt. Then when I looked at the arrow, it was slightly purple. My eyes widened in alarm. Shoot, poison. I thought to myself.

Then there was a huge tree blocking my way. I looked back and saw the Hunters have cornered me. "Where do you think you're going?" said the brunette. Then I said the one thing that came into my head, "Away from you." and when I looked up, the red eyes were watching me and jumped down to the other side of the tree.

I looked at the tree. Then my hands. I growled, I needed claws, DANGIT! Then I saw the branches. I glanced behind me before grabbing one and climbed the tree. I stepped on a weak branch and nearly fell.

After I finally climbed the tree, I jumped down. I landed on my knees. "Agh!" I groaned. I got up slowly and limped towards the shadows, hiding me from the Hunters of Artemis.

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