The Coffee Shop

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            Right before David got Alexis her job at the coffee shop he suggested a new name to go with the new start of her life. They talked for hours until they got to Scarlett Skye. It was just the type of name a 16 year old would think of as mature. But she wasn't 16 anymore. She was 22 years old. Scarlett Skye would work just fine.

           She had been working for about a week at the coffee shop job David got her. She was just a barista but it was still kind of her first job as an adult. She was excited to learn all about making people coffees and lattes, it was a small job but it was a new beginning for her. Any and everything new was good. She had already had 3 sessions with Dr. Melissa Shuller for her nightmares, and they were helping. She was becoming more self-aware, more confident. Most of her life Alexis was handed the short stick, but Scarlett was a taker, she made her destiny, she made the rules.

         After her session that day she had that weird guy she met earlier stuck in her mind. Why did he look at her like that? It was as if he saw right through her, to the depths of her soul, to the darkest parts of her mind. He saw my fears, my hopes, my desire... my rage. She was on her way to the coffee shop for her night shift. 4- 11:30pm wasn't too bad. It was a more relaxed shift, not like the morning with crazy business people who need their shot of expresso just to be human, forget about kind. She got to the door and took a breath, as she has done every day this week. Another day another...step towards normality.

         "Hey! Uhh.." Kevin Diaz, the night manager, yelled from inside. "What's your name again? Shit! Scarlett!"

         "What?" Scarlett came back to reality and rushed inside. It was chaotic it seems there was a big exam at the university up the street and all the students needed caffeine to wake up after intense studying all night. The Coffee Shop, named for its sole purpose, Le Café, can fit about 40 people comfortably. Today it was filled with what seemed like 50. The line was to the door and Kevin and Marcie were the only people on the registers. Marcie was nice enough, she was a student at the university working to pay for her apartment. But she had gotten a new job as an intern at a law firm and was leaving, Scarlett was her replacement. Behind the counter Laura, ,the other barista was making drinks, she was an older woman who seemed to be starting a new life too. She had eyes like Scarlett, deep and with a story.

          Scarlett rushed to the back to change into her uniform and went to help the crew. After about 30 minutes the rush died down.

              "Kev! We need to teach Scarlett the register already this is ridiculous I was supposed to leave an hour ago!" Marcie said, clearly upset.

             "I know I know Andrew was supposed to be here already, I'm going to have to fire him, he can't expect to keep a job if he keeps showing up so late." Kevin said gesturing for Scarlett to come towards the register. He spent about an hour teaching her the ropes. Scarlett took some orders and after a couple she was a pro. She was still smart despite everything, she as a fast learner. Today is a pretty good day, can't wait to tell David. Scarlett continued on, asking questions here and there if she needed.

                "Hello, How can I help you?" Scarlet asked one customer.

               "Large Iced Coffee, Light Ice, Extra shot of expresso, Don't screw it up." An angry woman barked.

               "Alright no problem ma'am." Scarlett said trying to remain calm and sweet. Customer service girl, keep your cool. "That'll be 3 dollars and 45cents."

              "Yeah yeah yeah, here" she threw her money on the counter bypassing Scarlett's hand.

             "Okay.. and your change is 55 cents, you can pick up your order to the right." Gathering up the money and returning the woman her change. I don't get how rude these people can be jeez.

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