The Truth

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         Wednesday came and David finally came home. Scarlett ran out of her room, she didn't expect him to be gone for so long. She was happy to see him but then she noticed his face. He was distraught, he was crying, he was alone.

        "Where is Erica... and the kids?" Scarlett stopped half way down the stairs.

        "They... they..."David dropped to his knees and burst into tears.

        "David what happened?" Scarlett ran to him and held him.

         "They didn't wait. I had it. I HAD IT." David began punching the floor. "THEY DIDN'T WAIT!"

        "Oh my... David..." Scarlett didn't know what to say.

        David told Scarlett how the men he was selling drugs to showed up just before he called Erica. They didn't like that he was an hour away and couldn't confirm their product was all together. The men told him he had an hour to get back.

          "Or what?" Scarlett asked.

          "They didn't say, they just told me to get there." David said through sobs. David found a way to replace the missing product but it took an extra 30 minutes. 

          When he got to the hotel room all the lights were off but one, the one by the mini kitchen. He saw the silhouette of a man walking towards the light. The man told him he didn't like to be kept waiting. David tried to show him that all the products were there and high in quality. But the man said that if he allowed everyone to be late with their orders then he'd have no respect. At that moment the lights came on. 

            David turned around and saw the bodies of his wife and children laid out each with their own blood soaked-pillow. He ran to them, he cried and held his family their bodies limp in his arms. By the time he stopped crying the men and drugs were gone. All that was left was him, his family, and a case of 400 thousand dollars.

        "Just like that they were gone?" Scarlett asked.

        "Yea... I had my guys clean up and put their bodies in my car." David's crying had eased. "I found a beautiful spot by a beach to bury them. My babies... My beautiful wife..."

         "... So that's where you've been? No funeral?" Scarlet wondered.

         "I can't have a funeral, I can't even say how or why they were killed." David stood up. "We can't stay here Scarlett. After mom and dad, then this? We have to flee."

         "Flee? David are you sure?" Scarlett didn't like the idea but it was probably best for her as well.

        "Yes! I'm sure Scarlett!" David yelled.

        "Don't .. don't call me Scarlett." Scarlett said in a soft voice as she stood up.

       "Why not?" David looked at her puzzled.

       "It just isn't working, I shouldn't be Scarlett anymore." Scarlett lowered her head. "I do things like kill my father and fake mother... and maybe another person.. or two."

       "WHAT?!"David became enraged. "Why didn't you tell me? Who else? As a matter fact don't tell me, I shouldn't know. Now we really HAVE to get out of here." David went to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. "Start packing we have to leave now!"

         Scarlett rushed to her room, excited that her brother was on her side. She turned on the TV as she packed .

        "And now for the highlight story of the week; Tuesday evening a man was found strangled to death in his apartment. It seems it was a crime of passion by his roommate. The woman had multiple journals expressing deep feelings for the man for nearly a decade. It seems from her journal that he had fallen in love with another woman and that was her breaking point. The woman was found in the bathroom of the apartment passed out after ingesting large amounts of muscle relaxants. She was arrested on the spot and is now being evaluated for a possible psychotic break.

        "Well I guess my plan worked after all." Scarlett smiled and closed her suitcase.

        "Hey! Are you ready?" David called from the hallway.

        "Yea coming now!" Scarlett said as she took a good look at her room. She walked downstairs and David took her bags to his SUV.

         "So you know you're going to have to tell me about..." David said before starting the car.

        "I know I know, on the way." She said leaning her head against the window as they pulled off.

      "Hey umm ..."David started as he entered the highway " What do you want me to call you now sis?"

       "I don't know. I'll figure it out." She smiled 

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