Winter Formal

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Uncle Cameron decided to take over the investigation. He wanted to handle things and make sure if Dane was behind it all he didn't get off this time.

Dad and mom beefed up the security on the house along with Mikey and Maddie. They weren't taking any chances. Dad decided to revamp the way things were done with the Cupid business. He didn't want people to use it as a way to harm another person so mom came up with a suggestion that they have a separate part of the business for people that were being hurt.

They ended up getting a lot more people contacting them and decided to hire professionals to handle the other side of the business. Things had to change drastically.

Winter formal was coming up and we all decided to go. The guys got ready at Brandon's house while us girls got ready at mine. Once we were ready we headed out. Dad and Mikey rented a limo for all of us which was really cool.

I wore a blue and white knee-length dress while Brandon wore black dress pants with a white button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up and the first couple of buttons undone leaving his tats shown which I had to admit was completely sexy.

He took my hand and we went inside and hit the dance floor. We all danced together and the girls and I danced together as the guys danced by us. At one point Brandon moved behind me putting an arm around my waist and grinding on me as I moved with him. We danced and had so much fun. The funny part is here I was this squeaky clean all American girl with the school's biggest troublemaker bad boy and I didn't care. To me, I was with the guy I loved and who loved me back.

Towards the end of the dance, we decided to head back to our house. I was the first one out the door as Brandon was behind me with the others. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I tried to get out of their grip as they tightened it. We stopped and he pulled me in front of him; Dane.

"Let go of me!"

"Not until you tell me why you're having the cops check me out!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Really because they showed up asking me a bunch of questions! How could you tell them I abused you?!"

"Because it's true," I spat.

"I never laid a hand on you!"

"Yes, you did! For almost a year I had marks on me after you made me feel self worthless! Brandon saw them!"

"Oh right, the freak that waited to break us up before moving in! Let me ask you this, was he a good fuck!? Because you sure and the hell didn't give it up to me you frigid bitch!"

Before I could say anything Brandon and Austin grabbed him off of me, "Get off my sister asshole! Brandon take care of Allie!"

Brandon rushed over to me pulling me into him, "Are you okay?"

"I am now you guys are here."

"Get off of me!"

"Greg, called my uncle Cam!" Greg picked up his phone and dialed Cam's number and told him what was going on.

Dane tried to hit Austin who proceeded to hit him back knocking him down, "You're a piece of shit. Stay away from my sister and family."

Megan and Sasha came over to me taking care of me while Brandon helped Austin detain Dane until the police got there. Once they arrived they arrested him and place him in the back of the squad car. Uncle Cam checked on me then left with the other officers.

Brandon put his hand on my head and looked at me, "Are you okay?"

I nodded with tears streaming down my cheeks. He pulled me into his arms and held me close.

We eventually headed back to the house where everyone decided to stay over since it was late. While the boys explained to mom and dad what happened I went and showered changing into some sweats. I went into my room and crawled onto my bed sitting with my back to the wall. I sat there and sighed.

Brandon came in a few minutes later in sweats, a tank, and socks. He sat down next to me taking my hand in his and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Well, that was fun."

I had to laugh at the timing of it all. Plus, I know he was trying to take my mind off of what happened tonight.

"See, you're doing a lot better. I even got you to smile."


"It's going to be okay you know."

"I hope so. Brandon?"


"Thank you for tonight. Aside from that schmuck, I did have fun."

"I'm glad," he said kissing my head. "But I think we should head downstairs or they're going to think we're doing stuff we're not supposed to."

"Eww ya nasty."

"And they think I have a dirty mind, sheesh."

We got up and headed downstairs as we bantered back and forth on our way down. We decided to join the others playing board games. As we played games and laughed having fun we weren't aware of the person lurking outside watching us.

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