Now you're sixteen

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That beautiful school lifestyle,
I thought I had all I wanted,
But it was just a trail.
And something really exciting started.

I thought that the world was quite small
Because the walls I lived in were so tall.
Once I just broke the wall
And discovered life as a big mall.

I was excited to find new things
And it all started with eyeliner wings
Then I entered college
And saw everyone there being so flawless.

I was confident and that was my power
And always happy just like a little flower.
I got all of em that can never leave my hand
How greatly I can say those were my friends.

But this is not the end
Life's got so much more than negative bends
Learn from your mistakes
And enjoy eating the delicious Cake!

And now you're sixteen
You're your own kind of beautiful
But remember that you will always live in your old fifteen
And your poetry's are very cool. <3

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