Chapter 2

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I was in my Biology class, one class before lunch, when it happened. The red light in our room started flaring, and a siren went off. I had no clue what this was about but I knew one thing for sure this was not a lockdown drill, this was a full fledged lockdown.

Great. I thought sarcastically.

“Mrs. Angers turn the lights off, quick, Mr. Bern take this key, and lock the door. The rest of you under the desks, NOW!” The teacher Mr. Heath said quickly, whisper shouting orders, all the while muttering under his breath about ‘Damn school shooters’ and ‘This sure as hell better be an effing drill’ though I’m sure he knew as we knew it wasn’t.

We all followed orders, and I silently wished Andy was in my class, but at least Clair was, and I crawled in the dark to her desk, she was silently sobbing (she’s an emotional wreck most of the time.) “It’s okay” I said hushing her, not really believing this myself.

That’s when the loud speakers decided to crackle on, to a voice that was NOT our principles, and that alone caused many gasps. What he said caused many MORE.

“Hello girls, and boys, lets call this history, shall we?” He chuckled softly as if this were all a joke, and perhaps to him it was. The he continued, “Well this lovely school has called in a lockdown, so we are in need of a few shall we say hostages? So you see we will be stopping by a few classrooms, collecting a few children, so teachers no need to worry.” Another chuckle.

This guy was really beginning to annoy me, grrr, wait did he say hostages? God no! Andy, Clair, Mary, Danie, Noo!

This annoying guy continued once again, “Well, try and lock your doors and pretend you’re not there, but we know you are, see you soon!”

That’s when the noises began. Crashing of doors, screams, scratches, scampering feet. Sobs, crying, wailing.

And that’s when our door to Mr. Heath’s room began to shake, and I felt Clair cowering under me, and I swore to myself to protect her no matter what and along with whomever else if I could.

The door was finally pushed off its hinges, our teacher let out a girly shriek, along with a lot of other students in our class. Well everyone else even me…

Just then the lights flickered on, and the man stood there....

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