Chapter 28

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Liz’s POV

I woke up later on; it didn’t seem too much later, when I glanced around blearily, I only saw Iven sleeping, and no one else. I pulled myself off the bed, and walked out the door-

Only to run into a big stone or in other words Felipe. “Why are you here?” I asked.

“Guarding your door, while everyone is gone,”

“Okay? Where’d they go in the middle of the night?”

“It’s nine in the morning, on a Sunday,” Felipe said, causing me to blush.

I gave him a look, “So where are they?” I asked noticing he had evaded my question.

“On a super secret mission, and I was left behind to baby-sit,”

It was then that I realized, that I was still pressed into Felipe’s chest, he seemed to notice this at the same time I did, and slowly unsurely he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, and once again he made me forget everything.

He pulled my face up to his, and placed his lips gently on mine, I froze for two seconds, but then I reacted.

He opened his mouth, and I followed suite, his tongue fought for domination and won, Felipe pushed me up against the wall, I wrapped my legs as securely as possible around his waist, and Felipe caressed my back.

Finally after what seemed like hours of kissing, but really was only a few minutes we broke apart, breathing heavily.

“You successfully sidetracked me,” I said with more courage than I knew I owned.

He laughed, “I’m known to do that,”

“Well, where are they,”

“Mike will tell you,”

“Yeah…” I said doubting that, and still feeling a tingling on my lips, and (I know this is cheesy) my heart felt like it was full of butterflies.

“We’re back!” I heard someone say from downstairs.

I gave Felipe an innocent smile, and turned, and ran towards the unknown voice. I heard Felipe chuckling behind me, as I skipped down the stairs.

I came to an abrupt halt, I was on the bottom step, and stood before me were Jace, Mike, Reed, Kurt, Mr. Grant, and a bunch of people I had no clue were.

“Um who the fuck are you?” I asked, bluntly.

Mike glared, “What have you been up to?” he asked.

And Felipe’s kiss flashed into my mind, shit.

Mike growled, “Later,”

Damn, “Okay, so who are you people?” I asked again.

Jace answered for me, “Hark, Gered, Ralf, TJ, Jeb, John, and Lyle.”

That was a bit much, “Um okay? Well where did all of you go?”

They all exchanged nervous looks, definitely hiding something, like Felipe.

“Or don’t tell me, but don’t we have school tomorrow?”

“Yes, I’ll explain everything, but can you go get Felipe to wake Iven up?” Reed asked.

“Uh sure,” and I headed back up the stairs, to go get Felipe.

S. M. POV (AKA Unknown POV)

A cry of pure fury was wrenched from my body. I reached across my paper-strewn desk to touch the cord on my lamp. Light filled the dark room. I blinked until everything came back into focus and glowered at the calendar. Two days. It had been two days! Where was Duane? Why hadn’t he found the girl and brought her to me yet?

I felt a ghostly wind chill my body and swatted out angrily as the truth clouded my senses. Lies, whispered a voice in my head. Damn the voice. Damn the truth. Damn my so-called “gift.” Damn the whole world. Damn it all to hell. Damn it all to Hell.

Even through my angry thoughts, the truth would not be ignored: Elizabeth Magykan could never be mine. She’d been to Hell; there was no return for her now. Outside the walls of Hell, she couldn’t survive more than an hour. Not without one of the Hell Stones. A tiny grey rock, smooth like a pebble, was the only chance of survival for a human who had seen Hell.

How ironic that if I went back, that chance of survival would condemn me to death.

Suddenly, my cell phone buzzed from deep within my pocket. Only one person knew that number. I flipped it open and waited. The raspy voice on the other end of the line spoke rapidly in my ear.

“Plan B is prevailing,” Trevor said.

My heart dared to soar for a moment. “Duane found them?”


“All four of them?”

“There wasn’t time. He brought Andy and Clair, though.”

“That is better than I expected. It should be enough to catch her.” I paused. “You’ll have to steal a Hell Stone,” I said finally. “She won’t last long out here without one.”

“Already done,” Trevor rasped.

“And you’ll have to find a way to weld it to her skin. Do it somewhere discreet, where it won’t raise questions.”

“Welding? Is that necessary? Couldn’t she just wear it like a bracelet, like you do?”

“No. I want this to hurt. I want her to regret every second of her miserable life.”

“If you say so. How do you want me to weld it?”

“Melt the stone down to liquid. It’s not like regular rock—Hell Stone melts if you heat it long enough. Then pour it on her skin. Eventually it will harden, like a permanent tattoo. And no matter how she screams, don’t take it off. This is supposed to be torture.”

“Of course.”

“Where are you keeping the children? Andy and Clair?”

“They’re in the Forest. Staying with Duane and that buffoon Tyler, but they are relocating, because Mike knows to much.”

“Good job, Trevor. This is going better than I expected, but where will they go?”

“To me, what’s next, Boss?”

“Remember the letter you wrote to Elizabeth. About her friends—I have no doubt in my mind she will try to save them. Once she is in the Forest, catch her. Get the stone on her.” I hung up, smiling for the first time in two days. It was going to work. It was going to work!

I tried to ignore the tingle in my spine, but there was no escaping my gift. Lies, the tiny voice whispered, and I fell back into my depression.

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