Chapter 12

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Liz’s POV

It had been over five minutes, and I couldn’t hide in this room forever, so I decided to pull myself together, and the best way to start is by taking a shower, so I did. In the ‘sacred’ bathroom, that apparently there are only three of (uh aren’t there six people living here? That’s what I thought).

After the shower in the awesome bathroom, I grabbed different clothes, and began wondering why Jace is a pedophile and an asshole, maybe it’s a package deal, and how he can live with someone as sweet as Mike, who I think I may have a small itsy crush on (bad Liz he’s 21), but I made sure not to think about it too much, and I hoped he was to busy with something else, like maybe getting me a new room, to hear.

I slowly opened the door to my room, and glanced outside, coast was clear. So I ,tiptoeing, walked to the stairs wondering who I would get to beat up Jace for me, he sure did remind me of my brother a little too much.

I stopped on the second floor and went to Mike’s room to see if he was there. I knocked and heard a muffled ‘come in’ from the other side. I opened the door, to see Felipe lying on his stomach, reading a book.

He glanced up, and a shocked expression entered his face, “Um what can I do for you?”

“Uh have you seen Mike,” I asked.

A shake of the head.

“Can I get a new room?”

A shrug.

“Do you know how to talk?”

A nod.

“Then will you?”

“Uh sure, but um about the room, well you’ll have to talk to Ja--”

I think he saw the anger on my face, right before he mentioned Jace.

“What did he do this time?” He asked aggravated.

Through clenched teeth I harshly muttered, “He kissed me, against my effing will, and I would like a new room, now!”

I heard him grumble a soft “God Damnit,” as he slowly sat up stretching, and closed his novel.

“Now if you excuse me, are there any empty rooms?”

“No, but there is in extra bed, in both Iven and Kurt’s, and mine and Mike’s,”

I nodded, for him to go on.

“Fine,” he said exasperated, “you can stay in our room for now, go grab your stuff.”

“Thank you so much, Felipe.” And then I did something not even a psychic would 've predicted I reached over and hugged him, and after a second he hugged me back. I keep surprising even myself today, and the strange thing is this felt really nice (bad girl, he’s 22, no!).

He let go after a moment and I did the same blushing slightly, then I left heading upstairs to grab my new stuff, how long have I been in Hell again, damn less than 24 freaking hours, I need a nap.

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