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Adrian hands me a glass of water. I take it and take a sip. The nice cold water went down my throats making me smile, as my throats was very dry and kinda burning. " Here " Adrian started wiping the tears away with his thumb. " you better " he asks, I nod, and take another sip of water. " Come on. We should head back to the school " he says, I nod and lift the water from the cup. I drink the rest, and the ones flying through the air I let go over my head and let it go. It landed on my head soaking me. Adrian was gone and came back in a second with a towel. " what were you doing " he asks wrapping the towel around me. " I fell in the lake. " I say smiling, " that's why my face is red and I'm soaked " I smile, he looks at me and sighs and shakes his head. " I swear " he says, i smile and stand up. " let's go " I say and start walking to the school, " you are a clever girl you know that? " Adrian asks, " I know. I know very well " I smile at him and we enter the school from the side door by my dorm. I rush to my dorm before anyone could see me and open the door, pulling Adrian in with me. I shut the door and let the towel fall. " well. I'm gonna change " I say and grab a black Crop top, with black shorts. I go into the bathroom and change. After I brush my hair, I blow dry it, and brush it again. My hair was still wavy, and looked better then it did after I blow dried it. I exit the bathroom holding the wet clothes and put it in my loudly basket. " well. I better start packing. You can go if you want Adrian " I tell him, he shakes his head and grabs my suit case opening it. " let pack " he grins, " if you go to my lingerie I'm gonna hurt you " I warn him, his grin widens and he starts packing my stuff. Sometimes he's a sweet heart, other times he's an annoying pervert. I start packing too, and the day went by.

I place my two suit cases in the SUV. Me, Anya and Adrian were taking the SUV, while my friends took the schools bus for field trips. I wanted to go with them, but I had to stay with my sister. I hug Logan, and he goes into the bus and it drives towards the air port. At least we'd be on the same plane. Anya comes out with two guardians who place her suit cases in the trunk like mine. An got in the car, and Adrian got in after her, him in the middle. I got in and got the right window seat. The two guardians up front started driving and we left the school behind us. Now to find those two blood suckers. There in for a surprise.


I sit on my seat, as An and Adrian are in the VIP section doing what ever. Then my friends are with the other passengers not really knowing what's gonna happen. The plane took off five minutes ago and I was waiting for Carson. I was gonna tell him what I was gonna do. " Sophie " I turn to Carson. " you Tash and Emily keep the others distracted please Carson. I can't have them know that I'm here for not a royal thing. " I say, " don't worry, we'll handle it " Carson says, I nod and we go are different ways. I walk into the VIP section to see An fast asleep and Adrian sitting reading the magazine with his face on it. I walk over to my sister and sit beside her. " You seem to be worrying " I hear Adrian's voice, " I am. " I say, I feel him wrap his arms around my neck, " I've got your back Princess " he whispers, " don't call me that Adrian " I scold and grab a magazine " Your a princess. My princess " Adrian says, I shake my head and block him out and read the magazine. He was back to his jerk face self.


I enter the hotel room, with Adrian and Anya. Anya smiles and jumps onto the couch. Playing with the controller. I take her suit cases to her room, and me and her would share. Adrian said he was gonna take the pull out couch in the living room. There was six guardians in the rooms next to us, and they were installing security cameras in our rooms. And gave Anya a necklace with a tracking device, only me and Adrian knew that though. Two of them kept there eyes on me though. I guess after what happened at the mall had caught guardians attention on me. Tomorrow I was gonna go to Tasha parents house, and introduce Anya and Adrian to them, and yes they now know who my father is, and I'm an alchemist and they also promise to keep it a secret. The only thing was, was that I would like one of the seven days to be with my friends. But sadly I couldn't. Well tomorrow I could, but only for an hour. We had to use every moment looking for them. " Sophie " I look up at Adrian, " yeah " I ask, " that tiger. Have you seen it again? " he asks, I shake my head. " no I haven't. Neither had An. I feel like it could be dead again. But I don't know. I don't think I'll ever know " I tell him, he nods. I wish I could see that tiger again. Maybe it could help me with An.  

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