Going to Mark's House

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I wake to Megalovania- my ring tone. I sit up, yawning, blindly groping for my phone on the bedside table. I grab it, checking the caller ID. It's Ethan. I pick up. "Hello?" I say groggily, rubbing my eye with the heel of my free hand.

"Hey, are you free today?" He chirps, completely awake. I look at the calendar on my side table. Saturday, June 4. Nothing.

"Yeah, why?"

"Mark wants you to come work at his house-- on the t-shirts. Are you up for it?" I smile sleepily.

"Sounds like fun!" I respond.

"Great! Bring your sketch pad or some paper, whatever pencils you'd need, and a laptop. Bring anything you'd need if you were to stay the night, too," I feel my stomach flip at those words: spend the night? At Markiplier's house? Am I still dreaming?!

"I'm coming to pick you up, I'm staying here with Mark for the next two months. I'm ten minutes away, I had to go to the store, but his house is really five minutes away from yours. I'll be there around ten o'clock."

"Okay. Bye." I say. He hangs up. I can't believe Markiplier has only lived five minutes say from me— how the hell have I not ran into him? I stretch, looking at Phoenix. She's laying at my side. She meows. "Mommy's got to go work. I'll see you later." She meows, jumping off the bed, and walking into the next room, tail stiff and high. "I'll feed you, you'll be fine," I call after her, getting out of bed and stretching again. I look at my clock and yelp. I have five minutes! I get out of my pajamas, and put on a Harry Potter sweater-shirt and leggings-- I also grab a pair of sweat pants, jeans, and a long-sleeved t-shirt to pack an "overnight bag."

I hop into the next room, pulling on my sneakers. I look at the kitchen. "No time for breakfast," I say, ignoring my hunger— Seriously, there isn't any time. I go into my bathroom and put my hair in a lazy ponytail. I ignore my makeup kit-- It'll take too much time. I take a glance in the mirror before stopping to study my reflection. I notice the bags under my eyes have darkened from faint blue to a translucent purple. I hesitate before grabbing my makeup kit. I grab a tube of foundation and cover the eye bags. Better. Not great, but better. I take my toiletry bag and some make-up wipes from the sink before rushing out.

I grab my colored pencils, sketchpad, and three pencils, stuffing it all in the backpack that holds my clothing and laptop. I look at the counter and consider. "Just in case," I say, grabbing my book light and my copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I head to the door, grabbing my coat.

As I open the door, I hear a loud meow from the kitchen. I forgot to feed Phoenix! I rush in, checking the clock. I have one minute. I put a scoop of food in her bowl. She gives a little cat-grumble and eats. "Oh, suck it up," I growl as I rush out the door. I rush down the stairs, knowing how the elevators are slow and will take the time that I don't have. I run outside, waving to the desk lady on my way out. I see Ethan's car, and rush up, shoving myself in the passenger seat. I check my watch. Ten o'clock.

"You look rushed."

"You gave me ten minutes to get ready, of course I look rushed! Any normal girl would take like three times as long, having to put on makeup and do their hair and stuff," He laughs.

"What, you're not normal?" I snort.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you think I'm normal," He laughs.

"Touché. What do you do instead?" He asks, pulling onto the street

"Decide which fandom I want to wear, hair up or not, and decide if there's time for food. Oh, and feed my cat, she's always hungry." I stay, ticking each off on my fingers. He laughs again.

"What's your cat's name? What does she look like?" He asks.

"Her name's Phoenix, but I call her Phe for short. She's white, and her tail-tip, paws, and ears are light brown. She has eyes the color of apricots, which stand out like, well, fire. She's one year old and very talkative." I say. He nods.

Phe is pronounced "Fee" btw if anyone was confused

"I've always been more of a dog person. Plus, I'm living with Chica right now."

"I like both. I had a pitbull when I was six. Her name was Ariel." He snickers a small bit.

"Don't judge! That was before I discovered Harry Potter and video games. I found that interest at age nine. Before that, I was a walking-talking stereotype of a toddler girl: princess dresses, my little pony, pink, glitter-- the whole nine yards. Imagine that kid basically mutating into the girl you see sitting next to you." I say, glancing at myself in the side mirror-- dark clothing, messy hair-- definitely not a princess. He cracks up and I join in.

After a few more minutes of small talk, we pull into the driveway of a decently-sized white house. He turns off the car and we both get out. I look up at the house. I can't believe I'm actually about to go into Mark Fischbach's house. I follow Ethan inside. We walk into a room with a couch and tv, and a mini kitchen with an island. I'm itching to look around but I don't want to be a creep. Keep a hold of yourself, Alex-- remember why you're here.

"MARK, I'M BACK WITH ALEX!" He yells. After a few seconds Mark comes downstairs at the end of the only hallway leading off from the room. He walks up to us and smiles.

"Sorry to have you here on short notice, but we decided on this last night around midnight and we assumed you'd be asleep."

"It's fine. You're right. About me being asleep, I mean." I stumble nervously.

"Well, we wanted a newly designed t-shirt, as Ethan probably told you. You can spend as much time here as you need to get ideas, but please don't leak our address. With no time limit, we ideally need two shirts for me, two for Ethan, and one for Tyler, Ethan, and I. As one shirt, not three separate ones. You can work here, in this room. If you need us, you have Ethan's number and he can contact the rest of us. But please don't explore the house— Stick to this room. The bathroom is the first door down the hallway. Feel free to use the tv, we have movies and stuff. Take from the fridge and cupboards, just don't take everything. But try to get the t-shirts done, don't just lounge around. You get what I'm getting at with this nonsense, right?" He says, with a slight chuckle at the end. I laugh as well, his chill nature calming my anxiety.

"Yeah, totally. Two Markiplier, Two CrankGamePlays, and a Crazy Bois shirt. Work in here and no snooping. Sounds great!" I say, smiling, genuinely excited. He nods.

"Well, good luck. It's nice to see you again," He says happily and walks away. I look up at Ethan, unsure of what to do

"As Mark said, make yourself comfortable-- feel free to use the couch or the island to work. I have to record a video, okay? Text me if you need me," He says. I nod, adjusting my backpack on my shoulder. He makes his way to the hallway. "I'll see you later!" He calls to me, walking down the hall and up the stairs— I guess his room is on the second floor. I sigh happily, walking to the grey couch and sitting in the corner. I take out my stuff, setting up to draw. This should be nice, easy, and fun. Just don't overdo it.


Starting with the t-shirts! I have some ideas for t-shirts, I might draw them and put them with each chapter they're finished them. If you think so, let me know plz!!

Song: Say You Won't Let Go, James Arthur


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