Chapter 4

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I lifted my head, looking at the comforter. A navy blue quilt covers me from my chest down, tucked slightly under my toes. I notice the little slits of light that shine through the window, hitting me directly in the face.

I laugh when I realize where I'm at. I smile when Lucah comes to my mind. No one but Sheila has been that nice to me. It was like he actually cared. It feels good knowing I have someone who cares.

I stretch, taking in Lucah's room.

The cream walls are accented with little pictures, some of Lucah's mom, and some of his dad, but non of him. Then I spot it.

The little picture, the only one with him in it. It's a picture of his mom, his nine year old arms wrapped around her neck, and his dad leaning over them in the back. It amuses me the way his mom smiles.

She was beautiful, I could tell she had a bright soul. Her brown, curly hair that looked just like Lucah's, except Lucah's is straight, hung just down her shoulder. A bright, tie-dyed head band warped around her head, bringing out the sandy brown in her eyes.

"She's beautiful, right?" I hear Lucah's voice state from behind.

I jump a little, embarrassed that I was snooping. Lucah had invited me in, not only letting me sleep here, but giving me his bed, while he sleeps on the couch. I back away from the picture, my cheeks slightly heated.

"Yeah, she's gorgeous. She looks like you too, besides the eye color." I sigh.

Lucah walks over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the kitchen. I sit on the stool closest to the stove. It smells of pancakes in here. I take in the toxic scent, wanting one now.

Lucah stared at my hunger filled face, throwing a pancake onto a glass plate.  As soon as the plate is within my proximity, I attack it.

"So," Lucah's voice reaches me, "you know my story. Can I hear yours?"

I nearly choke on my food. No one has ever cared, and Sheila never found out. Why would I tell him, I just met him?

Because he helped you out.

Tell him, now.

"Are you okay?" He says slowly.

I clear my throat, grunting a few times to make sure my voice was still there.

"Y-yeah. So, what do you want to know...." My voice trails off.

"Everything. From the time you were the happiest," He shies  away a little at the last bit.

I pause. I should tell him.

"Well, when I was fourteen, my parents passed away. It was a car crash, a semi truck hit us head on." I paused. "My dad was nearly in pieces and my mom, she um, was killed because of a blow to the head. I was put in the hospital for two weeks, they were worried that I wouldn't know how to cope."

I look at Lucah, his eyes are wide, telling me not to continue if I don't wish too.

"After I identified my parents, and left the hospital, I was sent to live with my older brother. He seemed fine when he visited me." My voice started cracking.

"Um, I couldn't leave because I was fourteen. I still can't being seventeen. I loved my brother, I still do, I think. But, he's changed, you know? He's not the same. He's shown me that hope is pointless, that we're all gonna die soon, and that hoping is praying for a punch in the face." I realize what I just said a little too late.

Lucah's teeth grit in anger, "did he do that?"

He points to my dark cheek.

I don't reply, he knows the answer. His eyes darken, hate and anger easily spotted beneath. I'm confused for a second, why does he care? Why should he?

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