Chapter 15

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My brother was laying unconscious when we arrived at the hospital. The nurse handed me a stack of paperwork to fill out, but I'm struggling to answer some of the questions.

How are you related to the victim?


Were you present during the injury?


Then it asked about health insurance, and I wasn't sure what to put. I signed the paper and hand it back to the nurse. She smiles at me sadly, before picking up her desk phone.

"Second floor, first room on the left, sweetie." She says in a sickly sweet voice.

I hate when people talk to me in that voice, like they pity you, and that talking that way will make you feel better. It doesn't, though. It makes you feel worse.

I make my way to the elevator, and Lucah slips his hand in mine. That's what I needed right now, not a disturbingly sweet voice that pities me. I give him a small smile.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lucah narrows his eyes at me.

I swallow the lump in my throat, and say, "yes."

His grip on my hand tightens as we step out of the elevator. An old man in a wheelchair is talking to a nurse, and he doesn't look too happy.

I knock on the first door to the left, the one my brother's supposed to be in. I get no answer, so I just open it. I'm shocked when I see that he has not just been shot, but brutally beaten.

Bruises cover his arms, and his lip is split in to different places. Both of his eyes are swollen, and a cut runs from the top of his right eyebrow, to the middle of his face.

I can't move. A bandage is wrapped around his body, from his chest, to his lower waist. A tear slips down my face, and my feet start moving towards him on their own accord.

Lucah moves with me, refusing to leave my side. Connar's lips are discolored, as is his whole face. As much as I said I hated my brother, I don't. He's the only blood relative I have left, and I don't want to lose him.

Lucah releases my hand, and moves to shut the door. I watch him, the only man that's stayed through everything.

He's here with me. As much as he hates Connar, he still came with me. And I'm forever grateful for his love and support. I think the world of this man, he saved my life more than once.

Here he was, probably saving it again. I know for a fact, if it wasn't for Lucah, I would be dead, or on drugs, or murdered in an alley. I'd be just like my brother, and I didn't want that to happen.

I turn back to Connar, thinking of everything he's done to me, and let go. I forgave him for what he did, but I would not be put back in that position.

"You want me to give you a minute?" Lucah says from behind.

I nod my head, scared that if I talk he'll here the sadness in my voice. He kisses me on the cheek, and walks put of the door.

God, I'm lucky.

I state at my brother, "I forgive you."

"You remeber those times when I was around six, and you would play games with me? I miss those days. We weren't forced to grow up, C. We were still kids. I'll be eighteen in a few months, and you'll be twenty-four.

I'll be leaving after high school. For at least a year. I haven't told Lucah yet. I haven't looked deeply into it, but I know it's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to lie, C, part of it's because of you. Not all of it, though. Most of it's because I'm sick of this town.

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