Chapter 16

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I stifled a cry as a cold knife was pushed slightly into my throat. Big hands grasped my arms in a painful manner.

"Speak, and I'll kill you." The male voice growled.

My bottom lip quivers, and I'm shaking in fear. I almost yell when I'm thrown to the ground. A coppery taste takes over my mouth, and I find that the source is a fresh hole, that was just caused by my tooth.

I spit onto the ground, and roll over to face my attacker. It's dark out, and no one's around, so screaming would make it worse. I take a look at the man, his knife glinting in the moonlight.

He looks fairly young, a smirk on his face. His black hair is swept upwards out of his face, and his black shirt is pulled tightly around his torso. He gets on me, and straddles my waist, before digging his knife into my arm.

I let out an ear piercing scream, followed by a hand smashing into my mouth. I decide to be a child, I mean, I'm probably dying anyways, and I lick his hand. It earns me a slap to the face, and an evil smirk.

He grabs me by the hair, before he starts pulling me across the back parking lot. I scream, and my throat goes raw when we reach the black SUV parked near the trees.

I'm pulled off the ground, and thrown into the back seat. Blood pools out from my arm. I lift my t-shirt off my arm, it's the only thing I have of Lucah's. Blood runs down my arm, and my fave burns.

The young man gets into the driver's seat, and starts speeding away. I search my pockets for my phone, but it's not there. I must've dropped it, because I know he didn't search me for it.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yell.

He grips the wheel tighter, then smiles at me, "your worst nightmare."

"Anything but." I snap.

He moves to look at me, "shut your mouth, before I do it for you."

I laugh. I didn't care if he hurt me, nothing I ain't dealt with before. The only thing I was worried about was Lucah, and if it wasn't for him, I'd ask this man to shoot me right now.

"You're Connar's sister, right?" He asks.

I growl, "the one and fucking only."

He laughs, "boy, I hope you're ready for pain."

I sneer, "lived it, felt it, don't care."

He reaches back, before driving his gun into the side of my head. I scream, and he chuckles.

"Bet you never felt it like that."

"I lived with an addict since I was thirteen, try harder, bitch." I growled.

It sounds like I have a death wish, and maybe I do, but I want to get inside his head. My mind drifted off to Lucah, and tears burned at my eyes. I fight them back, not letting this devil decipher anything.

"You've got an attitude. Your mom and dad had one too." He laughed.

My mouth drops open. My mom and dad died in an accident. So, what was he talking about?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I mumble.

He smirks, "no one told you?"

I look at him, knowing he knows the answer.

"Mommy and daddy dearest...well, I'll let boss deal with you." His laugh echos throughout the car.

Mom and dad did something, didn't they?

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