Chapter 6

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Listen to the song, it's stay by Rihanna. I feel like it fits this chapter well. Anyways, tap that star and vote, babes!


A week later I watched as the monitor connected to my dad went flat.

The nurses pushed and shoved me back, but I couldn't move, I was cemented to the lifeless ground.

The only remaining piece of my once happy life just.....died.

I felt a small hand grasp mine. I knew it was Amelia, but I couldn't look at her. Honestly, I couldn't do anything.

I was soon forced out of the room, a nurse wheeling Amelia to my side, assuming that I'm taking over. I grasped the handles and pushed.

I pushed her to my car. I placed her in my passenger seat, ignoring the protests of a nurse. Amelia slightly moaned, but otherwise gave me full control.

I started speeding towards my house, and slowly I pulled to a stop. Amelia's eyes burned holes into my head.

"What?" I snapped.

It was a few minutes of silence before I got the hint that she wasn't going to talk until I looked at her. I slowly turned my head to look at her.

"You gonna stay here?" I ask quietly.

She takes my hand, rubbing circles on the back with her hand. Her hair is slightly pushed out of her face, her breathing heavy.

"I'm staying with you." Her voice was as strong as she could make it.

I moved to pick her up, but she held a hand up to me. I watched as she slowly pulled herself up, her face scrunched in pain. She started hobbling to the door, and I followed.

Once we were inside the house, I watched as she moved to sit on the couch.

I groaned, before saying, "stop. You're staying in my room."

Of course she could've stayed in my dad's room, but my bed's bigger, harder for her to roll off. I slowly picked her up, not caring about her protests.

"Lucah, I know you're not ok." She whispers into the crook of my neck as I carry her down the hall to my room.

"I'm fine." I grunt.

She's quiet for a moment, "whatever. I know you're not."

Laying her gently on my bed, I pull the covers up on her. I try to turn around to leave, but her hand catches mine.

"Stay," Her eyes plead with mine.

I look at her. Her face is scrunched in pain, her hair is spread out over the pillow, her eyes look....scared?

"Please?" Her voice is barely audible.

It's silent a moment as I think about it.

"Ok." I whisper, grasping her hand back.

I pull myself down, laying my arm under her head as she centers it under my shoulder. She sighs softly as she readjust her body.

Silence fills the air, her breathing is shallow, and mines nearly undetectable.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her voice comes through softly.

I take a deep breath, "no I-"

She cuts in, "too bad. I do."

I look down at her, her eyes find mine, begging me to talk. I sat up, before realizing I made her groan in pain again.

"Why?! Why, Amelia?! He wasn't your father! You didn't know him long enough to care! He wasn't the last piece of happiness you had! I don't even get why the fuck you care about me! I've known you for two weeks now, not my whole life!" I yelled. Realizing what I just said, I stood up, and started pacing.

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