Chapter 7

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I can't believe I'm doing this.

Why the hell am I doing this?

Walking up to the door of my brother's apartment, Lucah following behind, I think about giving up and turning around. I just want to forget him.

But I can't. So I push the door open, and walk into the small kitchen. The floor's mopped clean, but the sink is piled high with empty alcohol bottles.

I walk into the living room, where the coffee table is pushed to the back. A piece of the corner of it is missing. Blood stains the tiny couch - more than likely mine- and the rug is pulled away.

"Connar?" My voice sounds much more confident than I feel.

Something in my room falls to the floor. I turn to look at the door, hating the thought of going back in there. Hating the thought of seeing him.

Lucah pushed my door open with carelessness, his demeanor was eerily calm. My room was a mess, clothes everywhere, random liquor bottles thrown all over the floor, glass everywhere, it was horrible. It was disgusting. It was like he had been....looking for me?

A hand was gently laid on my back, Lucah breathing slowly behind me. I pulled it away from me, and intertwined our fingers.

I spotted Connar a moment later, he was sitting on the floor his back to us, his hands in his hair.

"Connar." I said in an authoritative voice.

He slowly turned around, cracking a slight smile, "oh look, the skank came back."

Lucah stepped in front of me, pushing me back, "say it again, Connar. I've beat your ass once, I'll do it again."

Lucah's body tensed as Connar stood up straight. He picked up his half full beer bottle from the floor, before taking a long gulp from it.

"Mom and dad would be ashamed of you, Amelia. Running off with some guy, and leaving me all alone." He paused, "I always knew you were worthless."

Suddenly, Lucah dropped my hand, and pushed Connar against the wall. Connar laughed, one hand on Lucah's wrist.

"Li-" I abruptly cut him off.

"Tell me why, Connar." He looks at me as if I'm stupid. "Tell me why you hate me!"

He chews his lip for a second, "because you ruined everything."

His words were like a bullet to the heart, causing nothing but pain. I grab some clothes, and my toothbrush, before moving to my closet. I pull my dad's castle and a picture of mom out, before walking out of the room.

I was mad at Connar. Not only because he blamed me-but because of the abuse. It was too much. He was too much.

Every night I sat awake crying, every time his hand made another bruise, that's what I was mad about. His words hurt, a lot, but that's the same thing he has said since I moved in, I guess it finally sunk in that he really hates me.

Lucah runs after me, hugging me once we enter the hallway. Tears burn behind my eyes, but I refuse to let them come through.

I refuse to cry over someone like him.

"Are you ok?" Lucah asks.

I pull away from him, trying to force the tears to stay away. He takes the items out of my hands, before walking ahead of me. I follow after him, refusing the urge to turn around.

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