5.The Orange Flame Of A Lighter.

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“Let him go,” Tiffani screamed. 

Jordan slam my back into the wall again. I screeched in pain when he ravel his hands around my throat. I clawed at him to have him loosen his grip. 

Tiffani knows better than to watch. 

He let go of me, letting me drop to my knees. 

Don’t cry.

“Since you’re not going to tell me,” He walked over towards her. Fear flicker her eyes. I bend down to untie my shoe to throw it at him as I told her to Jinxx. She know exactly what I meant cause this happens a lot. It was like a code name. When he turn around to me, she grab her ‘escape bag’ from the closet and dipped.

That bag would have a bottle of water, 8 bucks, a pair of clothes, and a pocket knife; you never know. Better safe than sorry. She slam the door and ran. Jeremy doesn’t live far from my house and I hope he’s home or she would have to run to Sammi’s. I could see the steam come out his ears. He jolt over and pulls me by my hair, forcing me back on my feet.

“Where is it!” He practically spit in my face. I ignored him but I knew either way, if I did or didn’t tell him, I’m getting my ass beat.

“We spend it…” I hiss. His grip tighten. “The whole 20 bucks”


“Food, tampons, and tissue.” I didn’t lie. We stash all the food I bought under our beds. He kicked in my knees which buckled and fell under me. He grab the front of my shirt and smacked me hard across my face.

“And you think it’s okay to steal from me a whole twenty?” I didn’t answer. I kept my eyes close because I knew his hand would struck me again. It did. 

No tears. He stood his ground and kicked me in the ribs.



Three times.

He spat words at me: Whore, faggot, useless, and a waste of sperm. He left me on the ground. 

I had to take the money from him. I thought he would thing he spend it on more drugs. He was probably sober when he search his wallet. Tiff needed tampons and I couldn’t run my shift that night.

The bar is full when I need to work. It’s been two weeks. Blue Eyes and his friends, we just wave, nothing more. I’m too afraid of hanging out with them. The only thing I think about is: What if Jordan…. I sat up to cough. When I remove my hand from my mouth, blood covered it. Fuck. I saw a few strains of my hair on the floor as well.

The pain in my face finally settled in. I found my strength to get on my feet again. Slouching over at the agony that is ripping through my ribs, I tip toed to my bedroom. 

He knew. He had a trash bag and scrabble under my bed for the stuff I bought, most are can goods. He shove pass me.

“Thanks for shopping for me. And leave this house, I‘ll call the police and report you under a runaway” 

He made his way in my sister’s room to her hide out. I shut my door, locking it. I can’t leave the house. Last time I told the cops I was being abused they thought I was delusional. I had my phone hidden under my pillow. I grab it and call Jeremy. He answered on the first ring.

“Jesus Ash, are you okay? Your sister is a crying mess. What happened?” I look over at the calendar. It’s a Wednesday. I explain to him how I stole money to get supplies for the us. He started to yell at me for not asking him but it’s me. I don’t like asking for things from a friend. Asking money is out of the question. I could hear Sammi talking to Tiff. I sigh. Tears ran down my face. I can’t stand this. I can’t push two years being here.

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