Chapter 14

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I was getting nerveous now. There's over a thousand people and only one gets the role. I have never gotten one and I am eager to get one for this horror film, Bloody Knife.


The line was getting smaller and smaller, shorter and shorter. I was almost there. Eeek! This was getting my nerves worked up. 


The blonde girl went into the room. I just caught a bit of it. It was a small white room with about four people ready to make notes. 


Okay, my turn. I walked throught the green door until I automatically stopped and greeted the people. "Go." One of them said. I read the line with emotion and movements. I couldn't have done any better. "What is your name?" He asked.

"Eliza Payne."



"Thank you. You may leave." He said with a wink. I wonder what the 'wink' meant.

* * * 

"ELIZA!" Liam yelled from the living room. 

"Geez liam, you don't have to yell. I'm right here at the door."

"WHOOO HOOO!" Liam yelled. What was going on?



* * * 

Well you know why Liam was going bananas? Well because I AM FINALLY GOING TO BE ACTING IN A MOVIE WHICH IS CALLED BLOODY KNIFE!! Tomorrow is the first day of filming, finally and we get to hang around with each other again! Whooo!!

I was on Skype skyping my friends Chloe and Emily until Mum told me that I had to go to the set and meet some of the cameramen so i said good bye to my friends and left for the door. 

When I met the crew, we took a tour of the whole set and had a good look at some of the props. One of the props included a knife and I was pretty excited to use the fake knife. It looked really real since it was shiney and had a lot of detail in it. 

A few minutes later, we were all sent to go into our dressing rooms and my make up and hair artists were there settling things down for me to use. My hair was really messy 'cause of the scene we were shooting and a few scars were shown. While they did my make up and hair, I read a book about a girl taking her sister's place in a game for entertainment called the Hunger Games which is set in the future. I loved that book and I couldn't stop reading it. Before i knew it, time flew and I was ready to go on set.

I read my part out but made a few mistakes. 

"ARgh bwahahaha." I ended up bursting in a fit of laughter as the cameramen dropped something that looked .like a.. condom? What the hell!?

"Carry on." one of the actors said so I just did.

the first day was amazingly fun and when the day was finished, I walked towards the hotel where we were staying and jumped on the bed.

* * *

We were having some snacks when one of the main actors, Levi sat on his chair and he farted... Wait it was a whoopie coushion. He looked around to see who did it but since everyone was either giggling or just ignoring the accident, it was hard to tell who did it. There was only one person who could've done it though, it would have to be.....

ME.. :/ 

Yer, young, small and sneaky. heheee

"That wasn't me." Levi said.

"Yea that was." I replied immidiantly. Then it was obvious that it was me who did it. Levi questioned me and I burst out in a fit of giggles. Then I heard levi mutter, "Small and Sneaky." and "I will get you back Eliza." and started eating like everyone else.

* * *

The next scene was quite similar to the first one we did but it was a lot harder to act our since there was so many people and we had a lot of extras. The extras were just walking while I was having a conversation with my principal since I got into trouble.


"Yes Ma'am."

"I'm sorry but you're going to move down."

"Why? BEAST!"


"And.. Cut. good job. We can leave it for now." our Director said as we all exited the room until... flip flop and I slipped. When I looked down, there was a massive pile of soap and I looked around, Levi was giggling while looking at me. It was his type of revenge and I knew what I could do to him.

* * * 

My plan was all sorted and I was going to make his butt really smell. I took out a pair of shorts he was supposed to wear today and rubbed some stinky oil into the back bit and made sure it dried. I held it up towards my nose. "Eww." It smelt discusting. Levi was more of a clean guy so I decided to make that... not possible.

The 15 year old Levi went to take the trousers and hahaha everyone was looking at him like he was some kind of beast. I couldn't help but smile a little. Sure thing, it did work and he was never going to find out it is me. Plus, if he did, the revenge wouldn't be too bad would it? No. I guess not, maybe breaking a leg or something but nothing else than that. Also, i'm two years younger than him. He wouldn't hurt an innocent little girl would he? 

* * *

BEAST! He did. "LEEVI." 

No. He was going to do it again. 

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