The Paths We Take {6}

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                It was dark now, and Bruce drove the streets slowly, waiting for Aaron to decide what to do. Aaron stared out of the window, his body pressed against the door as far from me as he could get.

                "Stop," Aaron said, straightening up in his seat. "There."

                "Aaron," Bruce grumbled.

                "Oh, did I stutter, Brucie? Let me repeat that for you loud and clear: Stop. The. Car." Aaron said.

                Bruce guided the car over to the side of the road and killed the engine, cutting out the lights. Aaron pushed the door open and got out.

                I copied him, realizing that we were at a house. It was surrounded by a locked gate, and the lights inside were all off.

                "Whose house is this?" I asked, wondering if Aaron even knew.

                "Patrick Henderson," Aaron said, hauling himself up and over the gate with ease. "Not a fan of the guy. Let's piss him off a bit, shall we?"

                Vic leaned against the car to act as lookout. Bruce started to move forward, but Aaron but a hand out to stop him.

                "Brucie, I didn't invite you along," he said. "See, you pissed me off at the gas station."

                "Quit being a baby." Bruce pulled himself up and over the gate.

                I gripped the gate and hauled myself over it, dropping back down to the ground on the other side. Aaron was surveying the yard and he strode forward towards the garage.

                "Don't go breaking into the damn house. Kaz is too slow to get away," Bruce said impatiently.

                "Thanks for the vote of confidence," I said, though I knew he was probably right. Sneaking around certainly wasn't my specialty, and if anyone heard us and came to check, I would hesitate too long to get away.

                "Don't tell me what to do," Aaron said, kneeling in front of a door that lead into the garage. He reached out, hands playing with the door handle.

                It was a moment before I heard the soft click. Aaron stood up and pushed the door open, walking into the garage.

                "That's his car," Aaron said happily, one of his knives suddenly in his hands.

                Bruce was waiting in the doorway so he could keep Vic in sight. He looked irritated, but didn't bother trying to talk Aaron down from whatever his plan was.

                "Kaz," Aaron said, gripping my hair and yanking me forward with more force than usual. I winced, but that only made Aaron smile. "I'm going to wreck Patrick's car. You're going to find his lacrosse stick."

                He released my hair and spun around, slashing one of the tires on the car. I mentally prayed that the car alarm wouldn't go off and took off in search of a lacrosse stick.

                I found it leaning on the far wall of the garage, next to a sports bag. I picked the lacrosse stick up and carried it over to Aaron, who had slashed both front tires and one of the back tires.

                "Here," I said, holding it out to him.

                Aaron met my eyes. "Break it in half."

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