The Paths We Take {15- Actual}

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               I called my hairdresser in the morning and scheduled an appointment for right after school. Heading back to Aaron's room, I wondered how he'd be doing after last night. I'd fallen asleep, but I had a feeling he hadn't.

               He was sitting on his bed staring out of the window when I entered the room. He looked over at me and flicked a beanie my way.

               "Fix your hair," he said, getting out of his bed as I pulled the beanie on. "I hate it."

               "I just made an appointment," I said.

               He pushed past me and left his room. I followed him downstairs, where Brett was making breakfast for everyone.

               "Aaron, I grabbed more of your tea when I went to the store earlier. It's in the cupboard," Brett said, glancing at us. "If you have some, you better make Kaz a cup too. Don't be rude about it."

               "Kaz is a big boy. If he wants it, he can get it himself," Aaron said, opening the cupboard and grabbing a teabag.

               "I'm good with just water," I said quickly, not wanting a fight to break out between Aaron and Brett. Not after last night.

               Brett just shrugged it off and continued cooking. Bruce was sitting at the table, texting on his phone, but he stole a peek at my hair as I sat down.

               "Nice hat," he said.

               "What can I say? I love fashion," I said.

               "Aaron, what happened to your hand?" Brett asked in surprise as Aaron reached for the kettle.

               "What happened to minding your own business?" Aaron asked in surprise.

               Brett glared. "Bruce, what happened to his hand?"

               Bruce shrugged. "Hell if I know. He cut it on something, I think."

               "He dropped a glass and cut his hand picking it up," I lied. Aaron shot me an unimpressed look, but I ignored it and just shook my head at Brett. "I cleaned and wrapped it for him. Sorry about the glass. We cleaned it up."

               "Do you have any sense of self-preservation?" Brett grumbled at his son. "Here, breakfast."

               He set food down for us and left the room. Aaron didn't join us until he had his tea, taking a large gulp despite the steam coming off the water.

               "You're lucky he didn't notice you took his credit card last night," Bruce said.

               "I couldn't really give less of a shit if he noticed or not," Aaron said, and knocked Bruce's glass of orange juice over.

               "Fuck! Aaron!" Bruce said in annoyance, standing up hastily before it could spill on his lap. "Asshole."

               Aaron reached over and stole a strip of bacon off Bruce's plate as Bruce gathered paper towels to clean the mess. He turned to me and eyed the beanie.

               "You better get a good haircut. I can't stand looking at you half the time," he said.

               "I'm going to just shave it all off and be bald," I said.

               "You're too much of a diva," Aaron said.

               I frowned. "I have good hair when I put in effort."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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