The Paths We Take {13}

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                I got off the bus and made my way into the house. Neither of my parents were home yet, so I took a chance to run upstairs and pace around in panic.

                I had no idea how this was going to go or how Aaron was going to act. If I was important to him, he'd try to behave himself. Right?

                "Calm down," I mumbled to myself, taking a deep breath. I had to keep calm, no matter what happened tonight.

                Still, I was tempted to replace all of our silverware with plastic forks so that Aaron couldn't hit my parents in the face with them. I didn't know how much damage he would cause in front of my parents. I knew Aaron wasn't opposed to violence in front of adults, and he didn't care what anyone thought of him. Impressions were never on his mind.

                I heard the door open downstairs and got up, heading down there. David offered me a smile as he kicked his shoes off and set his workbag down.

                "Hey Kaz," he greeted. "Your mom texted me and said Aaron is coming for dinner tonight."

                "He is," I said with a nod. "Do you need help making dinner?"

                "We might as well get it started while we wait for your mom," he said, leading me into the kitchen and pulling out vegetables. "I'll start the chicken, you wash and cut the vegetables?"

                "Sounds like a plan," I said, taking them from him and turning on the sink. "Hey, David, who's the worst of the kids you and mom ever met volunteering?"

                He shrugged. "We've met a few...poorly behaved kids. But troubled youths, well, I firmly believe they just need someone to understand them and put in the effort to get to know them and help lead them down a better path. I've seen kids in trouble for fighting, drugs, theft, vandalism...all sorts of things. They're punished and told that they're bad kids, but no one takes the time to hear their stories and give them a real chance."

                "I think Aaron needs that understanding and that chance," I said.

                "And maybe he does. I've heard he's a troubled kid," David said. "I'm proud of you for trying to help him. You have a good heart, Casimir."

                "Well, I was raised by parents with good hearts," I said.

                "Suck up," he said, but he was smiling.

                The two of us chatted lightly about our days as we worked. The door opened about an hour later and mom entered the kitchen, smiling a little.

                "Started without me?" she said, rolling up her sleeves and washing her hands.

                "Well, since you're both here, I should probably warn you. Aaron can be...difficult," I said.

                "Open minds," mom said, drying her hands. "He's a young boy, and he sounds like he's struggling. You know we try not to judge."

                "He's not the nicest," I said. "But...I've seen more of the real him than I think anyone else has. I think he went through something really hard a few years ago. And, you know, when he was little he was really hyper, which everyone took as bad behavior. So they all told him how bad he was. I think that's all he really heard growing up."

                Mom squeezed my shoulder. "People aren't always careful what they say about kids. You always liked to steal your father's stuff, but he never told you that you were bad for it. He said stealing was bad, but never that you were bad."

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