Chapter 4

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I really like weekends. Nice time to relax. Be alone and stay to myself. But I couldn't really fully relax this weekend. I couldn't help but spend my whole weekend thinking about Ross, and those guys.

I mean from what I understood it takes a lot to scare Ross. and for them to do so, so quickly really worried me. I sighed and leaned back even farther in my bed.


My dad called.

"Uh. Yeah?"

"Come down here sweetie!"

I sighed and ran down the stairs. I saw my dad standing in the door way with his suitcase, messy black and big blue eyes confused. "Why don't you have your bag packed?"

I frowned, confused. "For what......"

"Don't tell me you forgot about the play......."

"Oh no!" My dad was the school drama teacher and she was traveling around with the drama students to a different state over the weekend for a show. "I've been so busy with school lately that I-"

"It's fine honey........ But you'll be alone for a week."

"I'll be fine."

"You sure? I feel like we never see each other anymore."

I forced a smile to my face. "Yeah...... Fine."

"Alright kiddo. I love ya." He gave me a hug and was on her way out. I sighed and went to my living room. I collapsed onto the couch and started to do some homework. A couple of hours later I got a text. Ross.

Hey babe, what are you doing today ?



I groaned and set my phone down. I really didn't wanna see Ross today. I wanted to have a nice relaxing day off......

The doorbell rang. Wow. He really doesn't waste anytime. I got up and walked over to the door. Ross stood outside and my stomach felt uneasy.

He smiled and came in. "So there's a party tonight."

I closed the door and followed him into the living room where he was carelessly lounging on the couch. "Great. Why does this concern me?"

"I think you should come with me." He smirked.

"Yeah....... I don't think so. The last time I went to a party it didn't really turn out to well."

"What do you mean babe? You got to meet me."

"I don't even really know you........ In fact, what are you even doing in my house!?"

He rolled his eyes. "It's at 8."

I looked at the clock. "It's seven. I only have a half hour to get ready!"

"And you'll need all that time. So let's go."

I sighed. "I think I have a nice purple sweater."

He laughed. "Your not serious right?"

"It's comfy........"

"Where's your room?" He asked, annoyed.

"Upstairs to the left...... Why-"

He quickly took off upstairs. I groaned and followed him. He was already searching through my closet. "Do you own anything cute?"

"That's all really cute?"

"Sexy. you need something sexy. do you have a sister?"

"No I love alone with my dad why-"

"This will have to do." He pulled out a long sleeved tight short black dress along with black heels.

"No...... That's not really me......."

"Well you have the body for it." He looked at his watch. "And we're out of time." He threw me the stuff and ushered me into the bathroom. I quickly pulled my clothes on and did my make up. I slowly got out and went downstairs. Ross whistled. "You clean up nice babe."

"I have a name and it's Daniela. Say it with me Ross. Daniela."

"I like danimals. That's cute."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok. Super."

He led me out to the car and we both got in. Within a half hour we where at the party. It was at another house on a lake. We both got out.

"Geez Ross. You know a lot of lake families."

He shrugged. "Eh. Not really."

Inside was packed with a ton of people. "Stay close to me ok?" He said. I nodded my head and grabbed on to his arm. He grabbed us two red cups.

"What is this........?" I asked, taking a sip.

"I don't know some type of beer." He said, taking a big drink. I started to choke and spit it out. "Oh no...... Your not a uptight kinda person are you?"

"Ross I'm 18........"

He rolled his eyes. "Ok..... Whatever."


I lost Ross after his 5th beer. He was to far beyond drunk to even notice I was gone and I couldn't find him. I hated party atmosphere.

Besides. It was hot and smelled of puke. And every drunk guy was trying to he a girl into bed and I didn't want to be one of those.

I went outside and tried to look for Ross' car to sit in, but u couldn't. Walking home I guess it was.

It wasn't to long if a walk..... But I ended up having to take a lot of back alley ways and dark halls. I sighed out loud. Never ever go to another party with Ross........

I looked up to see boy with brown hair a couple feet infront of me. He whistled. "Hey beautiful."

I quickly turned around to walk the other way when I bumped into a blonde. He smirked. "Well I'll be damned. It's Ross' girl."

I uh..... I should go....." I said.

The brunette came up behind me and grabbed my arm. "Oh honey..... Your not going anywhere."

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