Chapter 33

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I took a deep breath and slowly started to walk into that familiar house. I stepped in and was immediately surrounded by warmth and laughter.

I felt at home. But at the same time, I felt like I was being brought into a cold, hostile environment.

I walked around the corner and saw Jack on the couch, messing with Hope. He turned around and did a double take of me.

"DANIMAAAAALLLLSSSS!" He yelled out. He jumped up and ran over to me. His arms wrapped around me, crushing
Me, and knocked me to the ground in a hug.


"I missed you so much. What happened? I never thought I'd see you again."

I tried to answer but his hug was crushing me, and forcing the air to leave my body. I coughed and he loosened his grip a tad.

"Yeah.... I uh.... I guess I'm back." I said nervously.

"Are you okay?" He whispered into my ear. "Did Rocky let you go....?"

"Kind of." I sighed. He got up and offered me a hand and swiftly pulled me up.

"DANIIIIIII!" Hope cried out, crashing into me. I quickly picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could. "I missed you so much, and Ross wouldn't tell me where you went."

"I'm sorry kiddo." I mumbled, rubbing her back. "I'm not leaving again, I promise."

"Careful." Ross said bitterly. "Promise is a big word."

I shot him a look but Hope didn't seem to care what he said.

"Yay!" She wiggled her way down and looked at Ross, frowning. "What happened to your face?"

I remembered the fight and how he had been beaten up. Jack gently put his hands on her back. "hey let's go get make them some dinner."

"Yay! Macaroni and cheese?" Hope asked, getting distracted.

I nodded to Ross, signaling for him to go upstairs. He went to the bathroom upstairs and I followed him.

As soon as we got in he sat down on the counter and I grabbed his first aid kit, and started to clean up his face as he winced.

"I still don't get how this little spray can hurt more than a punch to the face."

"Okay." He mumbled.

I sighed and set down what I was holding. "Okay." I could see he obviously didn't want me to help him, so I left him to clean up himself.

I walked out of the room and downstairs. I smiled and watched as Jack tried to make pizza dough.

"What happened to shells and cheese?" I laughed.

"Jack burned the cheese." Hope supplied for me.

"I didn't burn it! I just forgot to take the wrapper off." He shrugged.

"How do you make macaroni and cheese?" I questioned him.

"Haha, so funny."

I smiled at him and winked. I bumped him with my hip and helped roll out the pizza crust. Hope jumped down and went back to her dolls, growing bored.

"How'd it go with Ross?" he asked me, glancing up carefully.

"It didn't."

"Hey I'm sure-"

"Jack, it's fine. He has a right to be angry. And I wouldn't be mad if he held a grudge forever."

"You had the best intentions."

"But they turned out to be the worst." I said.

I helped him put some sauce on the pizza, and put them into the oven.

Ross never came down for dinner, so it was just us eating.

But that was fine. I had a good time catching up with everyone and talking. But soon after Hope gave me a hug and smiled with her tired eyes. She went upstairs to bed, and left me and jack alone.

"I uh.... I'm really sorry about this, but I have to go." Jack said, nervously.

I raised an eyebrow. "What? How come?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "er.... I uh.... well.... I kinda met this girl...."

I got a big grin on my face. "Jack! That's so great!"

He blushed a deep red. "Please! It's nothing serious."

I giggled and gave him a little nudge. "You'll have to tell me all about it tomorrow!"

His smile only got bigger. "Oh I will! You'll love her."

He gave me a hug and we said goodbye.

I finished cleaning up from dinner and then collapsed onto Ross's old couch.

He had a single blanket, I'm guessing for Jack, and a worn out pillow.

I cuddled into the cold couch and curled up into a ball.

Despite the blanket, I was still cold. But I had no idea where Ross kept his blankets, and I wasn't about to go ask him where he kept them. So I guess I was going to freeze tonight.

After all the events that had happened today, I was feeling tired. So I closed my eyes and soon I was asleep.

I felt the couch move down and something warm wrap around me.

I let out a sigh of happiness and curled into the warmth.

I heard a low chuckle let out and couldn't help but curiously let my eyes flutter open. "Mmmm....?"

I could just make out the figure of Ross in the darkness. His hand was rubbing slow circles in my back, lulling me to sleep. But I didn't wanna sleep.

I wanted to talk to him, to apologize. I wanted to tell him so desperately the news of a baby....

He leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight."

My eyes betrayed me, and closed.

HELLO INTERNET! Sorry for my lack of updating. I had a bunch of tests to study for, and I got to go to a no filter show with one of my best friends and meet Grace, Mamrie, and Hannah, and then I had my first date, but I'm hoping to try and update a little faster.

But I do have a load of things coming up in these next few months, so I'm sorry if it takes a bit.

Anywaaaaays! Be expecting a really good dramatic/ action filled CH next. Okay love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment! You guys are all crazy cool and ily for it!

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