Chapter 6

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Ross' grip tightened around me. "Riker...... Long time no see." He slowly stood up and pushed me behind him.

Riker leaned against the door frame. "Nice girl you got there. Pick her up and screw her when she was drunk like all the other girls? In fact, judging from her outfit that I'm guessing you just picked out, and judging from your state you two where just at a party. is that why you came here? New girls?"

"Get in with it."

"Did you bring it?" He asked.

"Yeah......" Ross said. "It's in my car...... Just let us go get it I-"

Riker laughed. "Ross do you think I'm an idiot?"

Ross smirked. "Well-"

Riker punched Ross so hard he fell to the ground. "What the hell!" I screamed. Riker slapped me across the face.

"Don't you ever touch her." Ross said. He jumped up and those two started to really fight. But pretty soon Ross stood over Riker, breathing heavy. "We have to go. He won't be out for long."

Ross had blood everywhere. His lip split, and I'm guessing that nose was broken, and his cheek was puffed up. "Ross........"

"No we need to go. NOW." He said as yelling came from downstairs. He shut the door and opened the window. Ross slipped out.

"Ross........ Can't we use the stairs!?"

"C'mon jump. I'll catch you."

"Ross I ca-" the door rattled and I could hear Rocky yelling.


He urged. I closed my eyes and slid out of the window. He arms wrapped around me and he set me down. He grabbed my hand and ran me to the car. We got in and he took off.

"So you do have brothers. And a sister."

"Geez did they have to tell you everything?" He mumbled.


"I didn't want you knowing, I thought maybe if you didn't know, you couldn't get hurt."

"So do they do this with all your other girls?"

"No. Because mostly we're over within the hour."

"Why do you even get together in the first place?"

"I'm a teenage boy honey. I have my needs."

"Your disgusting."

"I wanna have fun but I don't wanna put those girls in danger. Besides I don't even really like them. I'm still waiting to meet........." He glanced at me. "The one."

"So what do you have that they want?"

"Mostly money." He glanced in the rear view mirror. "And stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"It's better if you don't know." He said, pulling up to my house.

" I think we've proven that's NOT the case." I leaned back in my seat. "This wasn't how I Envisioned spending my summer."

"Me either Danimals. Me either."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes for a second. "Ok..... Right."

"Hey Daniela......... Are you ok?"

I looked up to him. Sometimes he was so sweet........ "I....... No. But I should go. Really."

"Do you want me to spend the night."

I nodded my head. "Can you........?"

He helped me get out. I slowly opened the door so my dad and little sister wouldn't wake up. I had the whole basement to myself so I quickly led him downstairs. He flipped the light on and lightly grabbed my jaw, sighing. "It's already bruising........... Damn it." His face was full of pure anger for a moment.

"You still have blood all over your face......." I said. "I'll go get a UHM........ Yeah."

I got up and went into my bathroom and wet a paper towel down and looked in the mirror. I was a mess...... Ross was right. My cheek was starting to bruise. My mascara formed circles under my eyes, hair ratted and knotty. My dress was torn in several places. I looked and my hands and knees and shook my head. All of them where cut up and bloody. I grabbed our band aid stuff and went back to my room.

Ross was sitting on my bed, staring at the wall. I sat down next to him and started to clean his face. "So how old are they."

"Ellington is 20 Rocky 19 and Riker 22."

"You and Riker really look similar." I offered weakly.

"Yeah. I used to get that a lot."

"And a sister and a little brother........."

"Rydel and Ryland. I honestly don't know where they are. I stopped at age 15."

"15...... Why 15?"

"That's when I...... Left home."

"Ross! At age 15!? What about parents! They couldn't have liked this!"

"Jesus fucking Christ chill out this isn't 20 questions!" He shouted. I jumped and his face softened. I hated how his mood changes so quickly.

I changed into pants and a big sweater. Ross grabbed my hands and sprayed something on it that stung. I bit my lip. "Thanks......."

"For what?"

"Why did you come get me tonight?"

"What do you mean...........?"

"Well you say usually your hook ups don't mean anything to you....." I said, yawning.

"Your tired. You need to rest. C'mon. Let's get

You to sleep." He covered me up and sat down next to me, the lights off.

I hesitantly moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, putting my head on his chest. He tensed up, but eventually his arms rested around me.

I sat up gasping, my heart racing. I looked around to see my bed empty and had a mini panic attack.

It's fine. It's fine. My cheek ached. I grabbed my phone and looked at the date. Monday. 10 O clock. I sighed and went upstairs. My little sister was sitting at the counter. I smiled. Her short curly hair was up in a messy pony. Dad must've done it before he left.

She glanced back at me with her big bright green eyes. "Daniiiii!"

I smiled as she jumped into my Arms. "Hey cutie."

Her small hand lightly touched my cheek. "What happened?"

I smiled. "Nothin little girl....... Nothing."

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