Chapter 32

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Before I begin this CH I just wanna give a shout out to callmewaddles bc she cracks me up and she put me in her bio which is super awesome and she seems really cool. OKAY ENJOY!

Rockys arms tightened around me. I could tell he wasn't sure if he wanted to keep me close, and shield me from Ross, or let me go and try to reason with him.

"Let go of her." Ross hissed. "NOW."

I jumped a little but Rocky didn't oblige. "Ross...." He said in a low voice. "you need to calm down, okay?"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down. now I'm not gonna tell you again. let her go, or things are going to get ugly."

Hesitantly he let go of me, but pushed me behind him.

Ross let out a broken laugh. "Oh so now you want to protect her?" He stopped laughing as quickly as he started. "I'm having a hard time believing that."

"Ross...." I said, my voice barley above a whisper.

His face turned to me, heart break and betray burning in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but his voice betrayed him. His voice cracked and he turned away, ashamed.

Rocky pressed his lips together. "Ross.... I didn't.... We didn't....-"

He raised an eyebrow. "We....? did you guys...."

My stomach wrenched at the thought of something happening to me and Rocky and I groaned.

"I'm gonna kill you." He hissed. He jumped onto Rocky and they started yelling and punching each other.

I tried to get then off one another , but was only shoved back into a table.

"Stop it!" I yelled at them.

I tried to grab him again but was shoved harder and fell to the floor.

Now I was slightly angry. Ross had Rocky pinned to the floor and was punching him.

I made a split decision to jump under Rocky and face Ross. His fist rose again but stopped hen he saw me.

"Don't do this." Rocky whispered in my ear . I found his hand and gave it a squeeze, telling him I know what I'm doing.

"Daniela." Ross growled.

I gently put my hands on Ross's chest and pushed him back, away from Rocky. I sat him down and slowly walked away, and helped Rocky up.

Both of them were bleeding badly, but Rocky took most of the damage.

I gently put Rocky behind me, blocking most of his body from Ross.


He had a look of pure hatred on his face. Which quickly turned to betrayal, and sorrow. Then nothing.

"Ross I'm sorry." Rocky said. "I wanted her to go back to you, I really did. I was actually going to ...." He trailed off with his thought process as Ross looked at him with pure hatred.

"Ross...." I began.

"No." He said, shaking his head. He got up and walked out.

"I'm really sorry...." Rocky said.

I ran out after Ross and found him inside his car, shaking.

I hesitantly walked over to his car and knocked on the window. I heard the car unlock and I got in the passenger side.

His face immediately went emotionless as I got in, and I didn't know what to do. I felt the urge to throw myself in to his arms and wrap mine around him. I wanted him close to me, I wanted to feel his touch. I wanted to cry and have him hold me, tell me everything will be okay.

But he can't. He won't. I got myself into this mess, and I need to figure out how to make it better.

"So do you wanna stay here with your new boyfriend?" Ross asked.

"Ross.... he's not...."

He shook his head. "Why couldn't you just tell me you loved him? Why did you have to lie to me?"

"Ross it wasn't a lie, I don't like him."

"Oh really? Because-"

"You idiot! I love you, not him!" I cried out. "I only said that to protect you and Hope from him! I didn't want him hurting anyone else I love." I said, my voice cracking.

His eyes softened and he looked down to his hands. "Dani.... I thought I'd really lost you."

I nodded my head. "I'm sorry."

He stiffened up and his face wet hard again. "We should get you back to my place, and figure out what to do."

I nodded my head and he started up the car. We silently drove out of Rockys drive way and I watched the house pass.

I hugged my knees to my chest and focused on breathing right.

It seemed way too easy that this was all over....

I almost couldn't believe I got off so early. But then again, it wouldn't be easy. at all.

I don't know what will happen between us. Would he hate me? forgive me? make me leave?

And I still have to explain the whole baby thing to him....

I took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry."

He laughed darkly. "Sorry for what? Lying, destroying everyone who cares for you, leaving, or hooking up with Rocky?"

I pressed my lips together and pulled my legs up to my chest, deciding it would be better to not say anything more.

Soon we pulled up to his house and he killed the engine. We both sat in silence and I continued to look out my window.

Suddenly, he slammed his hands down on the steering wheel, causing the horn to go off, and me to jump.

He shook his head. "I wanna be mad. I wanna yell at you, be angry with you, and so much more.... But I can't, and it's sucks. I wanna be so mad for what you did. Without you I was lost, and scared, and worried. And just broken. I want to hate you, but I...." He trailed off.

"Ross...." I reached for his hand but he jerked away.

"No." He said, getting out of the car.


Hey guys! So don't forget to look at my new book Weird Kids and I have another book out called The Fall which is about fallen angels and people with powers, which is cool for those of you who like other things besides R5.

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