Chapter 28

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The doorbell rang and I jumped up, running to the door. I opened it up to see Alexa, waiting with her bags. Yes bags. For one night. I forced a smile to my face. "Come in!"

She rolled her eyes and shoved passed me. She went Into the living room, where everyone sat with snacks and drinks. Alexa sat down next to Rocky and I sat down next to Ellington.

Sadly Kelly had last minute plans, so she wasn't able to make it.

"They look cozy." Ell smirked.

I nodded my head. "We can hope..... Hey! I got us a scary movie to watch."

Alexa's eyes got big. "Wh-what.... Scary movie? But...."

I smiled. "Yep! You'll love it." I quickly put it in and sat down. Alexa looked frightened, and Rocky slid an arm around her. she rested her head on his arm and they cuddled under a blanket.

I shared a smirk with Ellington and the movie started.

Watching them was.... Interesting. They flirted, he fed her food, he couldn't stop watching her and smiling, she'd get scared, he'd hold her.

It made me wanna throw up. But if it gets me out of here....

Eventually after several movies they both fell asleep. Rocky had his arms wrapped around her, and she cuddled with him.

"Do you think it worked?" I asked.

Ellington shrugged. "I hope...."

"So are you gonna be going back to Kelly now...."

He stuck out his bottom lip. "Are you trying to get rid of me? I thought I got to stay."

I laughed. "Alright!"

"Do you want some candy? I feel like some chocolate covered strawberries myself."

I shook my head. "No.... I haven't been feeling very good lately."

"Are you sick?"


"How long has it been going on for?" His face turned serious.

"Since I got here I guess...."

His lips twitched up into a smile for a second before falling. "Daniela...."

"You're scaring me, Ellington." I said, nervously.

"You and Ross .... How active Are..... Were....? you."

Me face reddened. "We really just sat at home. Went swimming every once in a while."

He gave me a look. "Not like that."

"Why do you wanna know? That's just a bit personal...."

"Cause.... Dani are you pregnant?"

My jaw fell open and I punched his arm.

"OW! What was that for!?"

"Sorry.... I don't know I just kinda did it.... Natural reaction I guess."

He frowned and rubbed his arm. "You're a meanie."

"Thanks. And I don't know...."

"HoW DO YOU NOT KNOW!?" He yelled.

"Shhhh!" I put a finger to his lip and motioned to the sleeping people on the couch. He licked my finger and I quickly pulled it away, scowling at him. "And it not like I can exactly check.... I didn't think it was even an option. And I don't wanna ask Rocky to help out with this."

"I'm always here, and so is Kelly." He said softly.

"I don't know.... I wanna wait a bit. Maybe I am just sick or ate something bad. and what if I can't go back home.... What if the plan doesn't work...."

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