Chapter 13

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We escape from the Infest. We return to the city dale. When we land on the Main Square, my sister pulls out a knife and starts to attack Calvin. He dodges.
"Why are you attacking Calvin," then the memory of Calvin fighting Skylar comes back to me.
"Calvin is dead, you are an imposter." Skylar declares.
Calvin smiles, a dark sinister smile. My sister attacks him with rage in her eyes. He barely dodges. She gives him a cut, blood slowly drips of his skin. He rubs it away.

"Can't believe you forgot about your own brother's death." He snarls
"You alter my memories remember." I declare
"That's true, what I did told you were true to." He adds
"What did that monster told you?" My sister questions with burning rage.
"He told me that I was the experiment that our uncle created. How our parents died." I whisper in fear.
She remains silent, her eyes locked on the imposter.
"Pass me the knife, Daniel." She commands.
I toss her the knife to her and she catches it by the handle with deadly fast reflexes. She flick the handle and the blade turns into a radiating beam of light. Both of them are armed and charges towards each other to attack. To us the battle looks like flashes of sparks and light. Both of them are travelling in lightning speed.

"You think, you can defeat me so easily."
They both charge to each other. Fighting like their lives depends on it. All Amelia and I can do is watch in fear. I shake my head. I try to gather my thoughts. I think about ways to help them out. I look around and I have an idea. I tap Amelia's shoulder.

"I have an idea."
"What is it?"
"How good is your accuracy?"
"Pretty good." She says confidently
"Can you shoot an arrow around Calvin?"
"Okay?" She questions with confusion.
She grabs her bow and she aim around Calvin. He barely dodges it and Skylar uses the opportunity to attack. She gives him a cut on his face. He attacks and she barely block it. Leaving a scratch on her arm.
Amelia keeps shooting around him and Skylar keeps attacking him. I grab my throwing knifes and throw them around him. He has to focus on two things. Dodge the arrows and knives and eliminate his opponent in front of him. I throw my knifes and one of them hit him on the head. He plummets down to the ground. The ground is cracked and crumbled. Blood dripping from his wounds and my sister is covered in his and her own blood. She has cuts where he had attack her.

This is the second fight I've seen between my brother and sister. It is scary. Shivers run down my spine. The hairs on my neck is on ends and my ears and tails a pricked up. My sister stares at Amelia.
"It's okay, Amelia isn't a clone." I try to say calmly.
"I'm not a clone!" Amelia declares.
"We can't trust anyone, the Infest have found a way to break each other inside by pretending to be our love ones."
Skylar approaches Amelia and tear off a piece of her shirt. She ties it around Amelia's wrist.
"This is to let us know that you are Amelia." Skylar says.
A sigh of relief escapes my mouth.

"We will plan for our attack at dawn."
We nodded in agreement with each other. Amelia waves goodbye and walk a separate path from us. My sister and I walk the quiet streets to our home. The moon hangs above us, and birds soars. There are sounds of our footsteps echoing in the alleyways of the night.
"I'm sorry." Skylar says
"What for?" I question
"I couldn't protect you from the Infests!" She shouts
Tears streaming down her face. She is a solider that killed Infest for a living. She feels guilty for not being able to protect me, her little brother. I give her a hug. I approach her hear.
"You shouldn't apologise, I should thank you for looking out for me." I whisper.
She turns around and gives me a soft smile. She lightly smack me on my head. We both laugh in the night as we walk back home.

The sun rises from the horizon. I am standing on the Main square with other soldiers. My sister is in front of them. The air is chilly and a breeze blows through us.
"Okay, today we will be attacking and destroying the Infest nest once and for all."
"Yes madam!" We all declare
"The plan is squad one will enter through the entrance and distract the Infest. Squad 2 and 3 will be in standby for backup."
They nod.
"Squad 4 and 5 you're with me. We will enter the through the back and while the Infest are distracted with squad 1-3. We will take the queen out."
They nod.
"This is a risky mission and many of us will be gone. We will remember you and your efforts shall not be wasted. Whose with me?!"
"We are!" We shout
"Good, the mission starts in one hour, get ready."
"Yes madam."

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