Chapter Two

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         You run downstairs with your stuff ready. "Mom can we go now?" You ask. "Yeah get in the car i'll be there in a minute." She replies. You walk outside to go in the car but the doors locked. You just decide to sit on the trunk of the car and pull your phone out to text your friends. You like your friends but sometimes you sorta feel left out, like a third wheel or like they just don't like you anymore. You see your neighbor walking down the street in a really straight weird posture and a really big smile. "Uhh, hey, aren't you in a good mo-" "Yes!" He interrupts in a sort of weird way. You squint your eyes and he continues to smile but then walks down the street again. He usually isn't even like that, he's clumsy and sad most of the time. You hear your mom come out the house and unlock the car with that one thing she keeps on her keys that does stuff involving the car. "(Y/n), what have i told you about sitting on the trunk?" She says. You mock her but mumble it but she still rolls her eyes. You both get in the car and drive to the KATTU building. You see your neighbor from earlier, but he's not even walking. He's standing in the middle of the road smiling. "Weird... Hey mom, once we get there can I look around for that green explosion light thing first?" You say and your mom nods. "Not right away but yes, soon after that." You sigh. Once you get there, you and your mom walk in and she goes to the front desk while you sit down. You look outside and see someone else walking and smiling like your neighbor. You look over and see someone else doing it too. "Mom come here for a-" you stop. You forgot she was talking at the desk. "(Y/n)." A woman came out a door and said. You looked at her, she looked at you. You looked at your mom, she looked at the girl. "I'm doctor Sullivan, i'll be your therapist for the time being. I'll need you to come with me." She says. You awkwardly get up and walk to her. She seats you in a room and asks you all these questions. So you asked one too. "Have you seen some of these people around here act a little weird? They're all smiling and standing straight and it's weird." you say. "Just don't worry about that. It's probably another e-" she stops and holds her stomach like she got kicked in it or something. "Are you okay?" You ask and she looks at you, softens her expression and nods. "I'm alright. Let's just talk about you now." She asks you a few more questions and then gives you a few papers to fill out. You fill some of them out and then look up at her and she looks afraid, like someone's watching her. You just wonder why. When the appointment finishes at 12:45pm, she escorts you out of her office and with your mom. You guys get back in the car and drive over to see where the green explosion came from. There's police tape and a lot of officers there but the wall of an abandon papa johns building got ruined and in there were a lot of guys in fancy lab coats. You get out and ask what happened but the officer ignores you. You ask louder and he turns and replies, "Look kid, i don't have time to talk about this i'm just here to keep an eye out for people like you tryna see what's goin on alright? I don't even know what's going on so just go on now, Beat it." You roll your eyes and tell your mom you'll call her and she can get you later. You walk behind the whole crowd into a building next to the one with all the scientist guys in it. You look out the window of the building and see a way through the top floor with a big hill and a fence. If you get in there, you'll see what's going on.

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