Chapter Nine

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You all arrive at the spaceship. Rick and Morty sneak up behind a wall that leads to the entrance but two aliens are surrounding it. "Alright we have to sneak over, and pretend we're caught." Rick says while he walks out and Morty hesitantly follows. You're supposed to go too, but you run to the back and through the side door. It's locked, so you see a vent shaft that you can crawl through so you rip off the front part and then crawl inside. You hear the aliens take Rick and Morty somewhere and you immediately regret doing this but, you didn't wanna get hurt. You kept crawling through until you came to a left or right situation so you just went right until you came into this little room that was freezing cold. Nobody else was inside so you decided to look around and you saw that you were on the second floor, the one you needed to be on. You peek out and look around. There was one alien guard but he walked downstairs so you ran to try and find sector-18. There was a keycard you needed in order to get in so you had to find one. You saw an alien was coming upstairs so you ran back to the cold room. He heard you but he didn't see you so he checked the room while you hid behind a big box. You both made eye contact so you reacted quickly and punched him in the chin but that didn't so anything. He took out his gun and you ran behind the box again but he tried to shoot. You kicked him in the leg, took his gun, and shot him. That didn't do anything either. You panicked and just took one of the smaller boxes and smashed it on him. It worked a little but not all the way. You just decided to kick him in the face and then he passed out. You searched around him and found a gun, a keycard, and a key. You took them all because the key looked cool and you wanted it. You peeked outside the room again and ran to sector-18 and unlocked it. There was a lot of equipment but it required a key. That's it! The key you had. You knew it had to do something good. Except it didn't unlock the equipment. Fuck. You heard Morty yell so you ran downstairs in the room you were in and tried to find him but you found all the alien liquid shit that you got on your leg. You looked at the labels for it and it was just called alien cytoplasm. You take some and carefully put it in a bag and carry it and then you see a huge sign that says, "EXTREMELY DANGEROUS DO NOT TOUCH AND DO NOT USE WE NEED IT ALL FOR THE PLAN." Despite it being all capital letters, ALL was the biggest word there. Oh well, fuck their plan. You run out to find Rick and Morty and take out that gun you found. You see them in a jail cell. "RICK, MORTY!!" You yell "YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER DONT YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUVE DONE YOU RUINED THIS WHOLE PLAN." Rick yelled back "I ALREADY KNOW YOUR PLAN YOU WERE GONNA MAKE ME FORGET ALL OF THIS AND HURT ME AND YOURE JUST USING ME SO JUST.... LEAVE ME ALONE AND FUCK YOU!!" You yell again and aliens come towards you and an alarm goes off. You shoot them but the bullets don't effect them. One alien yells and says that you have the cytoplasm on you and with you. They all come towards you and take you away. "(Y/N)!!!" Morty yells. They stab a needle into your arm that makes you slowly start to fall asleep and all you can see is Rick and Morty running towards you but before they get to you, a door closes and they get taken away.

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