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SEOKJIN : hello, could i get a cheeseburger meal and a burger meal, please? would you make that to-go?

??? : [ smiles ] of course, sir. that'll be 12,640 won.

SEOKJIN : [ fishes out his wallet from his pocket, pulling out an approximate amount of bills, laying it out on the counter ] here you are.

??? : thank you. [ hands SEOKJIN the receipt and change ] your number will be called shortly. i can get the next customer in line, please.

SEOKJIN : [ he sits on the bench nearby, waiting for his order; next to him is a man dressed in a black bomber jacket, black skinny jeans, timberlands; his face is covered by a black hat and an indigo-colored mask. SEOKJIN wonders if he has seen him before, even if it was on a bus or in the streets ] this scent... it's kind of familiar...

??? : could i... help you with something?

SEOKJIN : [ realizes that he has been staring at the stranger ] o-oh, i'm sorry. i just thought that you were someone i knew. i'm really sorry. you must've felt really uncomfortable...

??? : [ chuckles in amusement ] it's fine. i get that a lot. just a secret between you and me... i'm pretty famous around here. [ briefly chuckles again ] kudos to you if you can figure out who i am underneath my obviously well-planned disguise of all black, but it's time for me to go, unfortunately. [ walks to the near counter and picks up the to-go bag of ordered food ] 'til we meet again, or if we do even meet. [ exits ]

SEOKJIN : ...huh. what a peculiar guy.


[ a / n ]
if y'all didn't pick up already, seokjin is having troubles with himself and stuff especially with remembering things now AND THAT'S SUPER IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT wink wonk or at least i hope it is bc i never plan out my novels oops ;; but anyways yeet have a nice day i love all of y'all ♡

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