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TAEHYUNG : oh god. you seeing this on TV? [ stares at the news very seriously ] a murderer has been caught. and, my goodness, he's from the same apartment complex as yours. and—jeez—he committed suicide in the facility for the criminally insane that he was taken to. [ shakes head ] what a fool. why do something so horrible that you'll regret to the point of killing yourself? i'd say he's pretty pathetic.

JEONGGUK : huh? what? [ rushes over to see the screen, feigning surprise ] oh my god, does that say kim seokjin? he's my former roommate.

TAEHYUNG : you knew him? that's so fucking scary. i am so, so sorry, jeongguk. he's a monster. he's killed so many women, and now a police officer? that's crazy. do they even need to have a trial for this guy? it's so obvious. they found his DNA literally everywhere. they even found a rotting body inside one of the closets! truly disgusting. they linked him to the murders from three or so years ago. 

JEONGGUK : [ shakes head ] i'm so shocked. i-i don't know what to say. [ plops down on the couch next to TAEHYUNG ] he... he was one of my best friends.

TAEHYUNG : i'm... i'm so sorry. [ clears throat ] uh, on a brighter note, the pasta i cooked was pretty fucking delicious, wasn't it?

JEONGGUK : no. it tasted like socks. [ bursts out in laughter after seeing TAEHYUNG'S surprised and disappointed face ] oh gosh. i'm just teasing you. it was amazing. thanks.

TAEHYUNG : ugh, don't do that. [ sighs, turns back to the TV ] oh my god.

JEONGGUK : what's wrong?

TAEHYUNG : that son of a bastard killed yoongi too. he—his face—his face is on the screen. they—they found traces of him in his apartment after doing a second sweep. he was—he was responsible for his abduction. oh my god. and he's the one who put up the 'missing' signs all around town—what a psychopath. i bet he fucking enjoyed the show he put on for himself. wait. o-oh god. they're—they're both psychopaths. i almost forgot that yoongi tried to kill me. [ lets out a heavy sigh ] i guess both our former roommates were total psychos, huh? we have a lot in common.

JEONGGUK : [ hums in agreement ] yeah, i guess so. [ turns to TAEHYUNG ] are you?

TAEHYUNG : [ frowns ] what? a psychopath? [ laughs ] aw, you can't be serious.

JEONGGUK : i totally am. [ laughs ] so, are you?

TAEHYUNG : w-what? [ chuckles nervously ] jeongguk, you're kind of freaking me out right now. stop that.

JEONGGUK : [ tilts head to the side in amusement ] so you're not?

TAEHYUNG : yeah. [ relaxes his tense shoulders ] what made you think i was?

JEONGGUK : you did say we had a lot in common. [ smiles ]

TAEHYUNG : huh? i don't get it. i don't— [ pauses ] wait, what?

[ JEONGGUK pulls out a switchblade from his back pocket, pointing the tip of the blade just under TAEHYUNG'S chin. TAEHYUNG'S mouth is frozen in a shocked 'o', his eyes flicking between JEONGGUK and the knife pointed at him. JEONGGUK kicks TAEHYUNG'S stomach, sending him crashing down on the wooden floor. TAEHYUNG groans, clutching the back of his head in pain, but makes no effort to get up. JEONGGUK crouches down next to TAEHYUNG, laughing demonically before shoving the blade in the side of TAEHYUNG'S neck. TAEHYUNG sputters out blood, his body trembling in shock. he attempts to stop the bleeding (instinctively) by placing his hands over the cut, but the thick crimson liquid flows between his fingers with no end in sight. blood pools around his body, which has gone still after a short episode of violent tremors. JEONGGUK stabs him again in the stomach for good measure. ]

JEONGGUK : [ laughs ] i don't usually prefer being this messy, but... i think i like it. [ swipes his tongue over his bloody thumb ] glad i got that over with. i don't need any more connections to me.

[ JEONGGUK casually walks to the kitchen sink, rinsing his bloodied blade over the running water. TAEHYUNG'S blood trickle down into the drain. ]

JEONGGUK : [ looks over ] i didn't get anything on the carpet, thank god. much less to clean. hey, aiden, could you turn off the surveillance cameras in the lobby and for this floor? i need to get my cleaning utensils out of my car. [ smiles ]


[ a / n ]
y'all really thought seokjin was crazy as fuck but nah

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