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SEOKJIN : [ opens door ], you actually picked up some food and came.

JIMIN : yeah! think i was kidding? [ laughs, holding up the two plastic bags ] two hamburger meals. you cool with that? [ shakes off the rain droplets on the umbrella outside before closing the umbrella ]

SEOKJIN : [ smiles ] y-yeah. thanks.

JIMIN : any idea when jeongguk will be back? i don't think it's a good idea for me to be seen with you. [ takes off his shoes and walks towards the living room, setting the plastic bags down on the table ]

SEOKJIN : [ follows suit ] i don't know. [ runs his hand through his hair ] he said he'd be late. and it's only... [ glances at the clock on the wall ] seven thirty. usually, his 'late' is around twelve to one. midnight.

JIMIN : gives us plenty of time, then. [ takes a seat, opening the wrapper of a burger, handing one to SEOKJIN ] so, anything you want to tell me? i have a few things on my mind as well.

SEOKJIN : okay. um... well, there's the texts he's sent me, and that's that. i also, uh, heard him talk under his breath, and it was like—like i was talking to two different people. or even more. he said something like, "i'm not like you", or something like that. [ takes a bite out of his burger, chewing for a few seconds before swallowing ] man, this is good.

JIMIN : [ clicks tongue, takes a sip of his drink while he examines the texts ] to put this shortly, he's dealing with an identity crisis.

SEOKJIN : what?

JIMIN : we've seen a few cases like this before. they are extremely rare in this area, but i've seen a few. they usually suffer from a disorder. dissociative identity disorder. you've probably heard about it—people having multiple personalities within themselves. some people don't even know they have it. some people are aware. and when they are, they go to seek help. does jeongguk see a therapist?

SEOKJIN : um... i don't think so. if he's seeing one, he hasn't told me about it. but are you sure? i mean, it seems like a possibility, but...

JIMIN : it's kind of obvious, from an unbiased perspective. from what i've heard from you, he's kept it hidden for a while, but... [ sighs ] something has triggered it again. there's two personalities, for sure, and... [ shrugs ] there may be more.

SEOKJIN : god, i—wow. there's a lot about him i don't know, i guess. and to think we are longtime friends... [ shakes head ] i feel weird. talking about him like this. i... maybe i should get him to see my therapist.

JIMIN : [ pauses ] you see a therapist?

SEOKJIN : [ flinches ] um, yeah. i started seeing him after yoongi disappeared. i... i suffered from some memory loss. he says it's an effect from ptsd, or whatever...

JIMIN : [ wets his lips ] do you think that's vital to this investigation?

SEOKJIN : huh?

JIMIN : do you think that's important? something to be considered for the sake of finding out what happened to yoongi?

SEOKJIN : i don't-i don't know. [ shakes head ] maybe? i don't know. i'll let you know if anything comes to mind, i promise.

JIMIN : okay. [ chews on a french fry ] anyways, that explains. i was beginning to consider the supernatural. [ scoffs ] heck, i was ready to believe anything. the phrase 'vox diabolus'—the devil's whispering—really got to me. i mean, i was beginning to think jeongguk was possessed! or, at least, under the influence of something. we couldn't find drugs or anything, so i ruled that out. am i crazy? for thinking jeongguk was possessed by a devil or something of the sorts?

SEOKJIN : i mean. [ laughs ] you're pretty dedicated to cracking this one.

JIMIN : of course i would be! i nearly died three years ago. i'm pretty determined to find the cause of all that.

SEOKJIN : yeah... sorry about that.

JIMIN : what are you sorry for? nothing has been established yet. all we really know is that jeongguk has a condition and is definitely at least an accessory to murder, judging from the corpse he had hidden away in his closet. and even if he is something more, it's not your fault. don't blame yourself for things that are out of your control.

SEOKJIN : yeah, but... if i had recognized his condition faster... or... something... maybe i could have prevented all this. [ sighs ] i don't know. i know there was nothing i could've done, but the possibility... it just keeps coming back to how i could've done things differently.

JIMIN : seokjin. you couldn't have possibly known, especially if his condition was kept low. he probably was aware of it, and it's just been hyperactive lately. but one thing is for sure—nothing is your fault, okay?

SEOKJIN : [ hesitates ] okay.


[ a / n ]
ahhh idk what work to publish next it's always a dilemma i'll face also v sorry for lack of updates but school man

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