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JIMIN : seokjin. are you okay?

SEOKJIN : [ steps back ] i—i feel sick.

JIMIN : [ looks back at the corpse wrapped tightly in plastic ] i... i'm so sorry. your roommate—he's a murderer. and even if he didn't do this, he'll be tried as an accessory for murder. and if he did this to this poor girl... he likely did something to yoongi in the days he said he claimed he was in busan. [ shivers ] gosh, i'm just glad i didn't hide in the closet when he came in. i heard him open it, as if he was checking up on her. so i looked inside after he went out... and god. i was surprised.

SEOKJIN : my god, why didn't i see it coming? [ paces back and forth in the room, his face in his hands; as he shakes his head, he takes one more glimpse at the corpse before gagging ] no—no—i did see it coming. i did. i just didn't want to acknowledge it. i just—i didn't want to acknowledge it, because—because it would make it... real. [ inhales sharply, his eyes tearing up quickly ] the moment i would admit something was off about him, it would make it—it would make it

JIMIN : [ briefly hugs SEOKJIN out of slight panic ] hey. hey. it's going to be okay. you're okay. just breathe. i know it's hard, and i can't imagine realizing someone so close to me is a murderer or anything horrible... it's gonna be okay. trust me on this one.

SEOKJIN : y-you think? [ sniffles, wiping his nose with his sleeve ] god, that poor girl. i heard something that night, but i thought i was hearing things. i was so tired. if i stopped him—

JIMIN : hey, it's not your fault. stop blaming yourself. it could've been anyone. we tend not to think of those closest to us as the most dangerous. you're good.

SEOKJIN : [ labored breathing ] no, no, you don't understand. even this morning, he—he said he was going to "wash it up". he couldn't have been so careless; he wanted me to know. he's treating me like some—like some game piece, for god's sake.

JIMIN : seokjin... [ pats him on the back ]

SEOKJIN : god, what do i do? i—i need a breath of fresh air. i feel suffocated.

JIMIN : right. you go do that. i'll stay behind. i still have some things i want to take a look at for today. i took a personal day today, so i should be available anytime today. so, when does jeongguk usually get back?

SEOKJIN : [ glances at his watch ] you've got a good four hours until he usually comes back home. five hours might be a bit of a stretch. always be on alert, though. [ sighs ] i need to go out for a walk.

JIMIN : okay. just notify me when you're coming back. be safe.

SEOKJIN : yeah. if i don't call you and you hear the keypad, hide. preferably in my room, if you have time to spare. and don't forget to lock his door.

JIMIN : [ smiles ] will do.


[ a / n ]
MERRY CHRIMUH PT 2. will be spoiling all y'all with updates to make up for the lack thereof for the last like 5 months lol

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