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JEONGGUK : you figured it out, didn't you? [ laughs hysterically ] this is so fun. so, so fun.

SEOKJIN : [ clenches his teeth ] you son of a bitch.

JEONGGUK : who, me? [ laughs again ] seokjin, i thought you were a respectful little kid! what happened? [ lowers voice down to a whisper, whispering in SEOKJIN'S ear ] calling my mom a 'bitch' and all.

SEOKJIN : [ ignores JEONGGUK'S comment, pushing his shoulders away ] it's taking so much of my willpower not to punch you right now. did you do that to yoongi? what you did to that poor girl? [ spits at JEONGGUK'S cheek ] you're fucking disgusting.

JEONGGUK : [ forces down a smile, but the ends of his lips dance; he wipes his cheek with the back of his hand ] then why don't you just do it, seokjin? [ reaches down in his back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a pocketknife ] sit down, seokjin.

SEOKJIN : [ stares at the end of the blade, which is facing him ] i'm not afraid of you, jeongguk. all you need is help. you need medical attention. let's just go to the hospital. please?

JEONGGUK : [ tilts head to the side in an inquiring manner, blinking confusedly with his wide eyes, waving the blade dangerously close to SEOKJIN'S neck ] me? or jeongguk?

SEOKJIN : [ frowns and gulps ] yeah. you... you definitely need help.

JEONGGUK : [ gently drags the end of the knife along a spot on SEOKJIN'S neck, drawing a small drop of blood ] i asked you a question. me? or jeongguk?

SEOKJIN : [ takes a nervous, wavering deep breath ] what's your name?

JEONGGUK : oh? [ smiles ] it's aiden. i thought you'd never ask.

SEOKJIN : okay, um, aiden. [ talks slowly ] why don't you just put down the knife? we can talk about it. peacefully. we don't have to see blood, here. yeah? you agree?

JEONGGUK : you're so cute, seokjin. [ giggles ] but, sadly, it's the redness that really gets me going. [ stares at SEOKJIN ] i like the color red. don't you, seokjin?

SEOKJIN : y-yeah, i guess? i... i think i'd be more comfortable if you put the damn knife down. j—i mean, aiden, you're scaring me.

JEONGGUK : ha! i love this game! i love scaring you! [ giggles loudly, digging the edge of the knife a bit deeper into SEOKJIN'S skin so that small stream of blood trickles down his neck ] 

SEOKJIN : [ winces in pain ] do you?

JEONGGUK : [ voice distorts as he puts on a creepy smile that seems to stretch from eye to eye ] y ea h, i  d o.

[ with a menacing smile, JEONGGUK raises the knife and stabs SEOKJIN in the eye, giggling hysterically as he pulls the blade back out. SEOKJIN screams, falling onto his knees. he cups his wounded eye, his breathing ragged and face pink from the pain. JEONGGUK drags the bloody blade along his tongue, tasting SEOKJIN'S blood while smiling down at him. when SEOKJIN tries to get up, JEONGGUK kicks SEOKJIN'S shoulder, sending him back down to the floor. SEOKJIN cries out while JEONGGUK hovers over him, dragging the knife gently along the side of SEOKJIN'S body. SEOKJIN'S breath catches in his throat when JEONGGUK snaps his head up to meet SEOKJIN'S gaze, which is following the direction of the blade. JEONGGUK then smiles, stabbing SEOKJIN once more in his abdomen. SEOKJIN tries to scream out, but he merely coughs up a fountain of blood, his eyelids heavy. his vision fades out to eternal black. ]

JEONGGUK : i try not to be messy, but i can't help myself. [ giggles ] it's so red. so, so red. it's beautiful. it's like a bouquet of roses. [ smiles ] nighty-night, seokjin. say what. i'll tuck you in.

[ JEONGGUK grasps SEOKJIN'S weak, bloody body and lifts him with no problem, placing him gently on his bed. JEONGGUK pulls the covers up to cover SEOKJIN'S body, tucking him in. JEONGGUK places a kiss on SEOKJIN'S forehead. ]


SEOKJIN : [ opens his eyes, breathing heavily as he jerks up from his bed ] w-what the hell?

JEONGGUK : oh god, seokjin! you're okay! [ wraps SEOKJIN tightly in a hug ] i thought you died!

SEOKJIN : [ grimaces as he pushes JEONGGUK away from him by his shoulders, a little bit more harsher than he anticipated ] what the hell, jeongguk?

JEONGGUK : [ frowns, wincing at the harsh grip that SEOKJIN locked on his shoulders; he appears to be confused, looking at SEOKJIN with wide, questioning eyes ] what is it? are you okay?

SEOKJIN : [ touches his eyes, then his stomach ] i'm... okay? [ touches them once more ]

JEONGGUK : seokjin, you passed out when i came into your room. i was going to tell you that i was going to go out to the convenience store. i was going to ask you if you wanted anything.

SEOKJIN : [ narrows his eyes ] no...? you interrupted my phone call with a friend. you asked me... [ gazes at his lap blankly, as if he had forgotten. SEOKJIN looks at JEONGGUK for answers ] uh, you... you had asked me...

JEONGGUK : [ pats him on the shoulder ] don't overwork yourself. i think you should rest. you haven't been yourself lately. anyways, i'm still gonna go run to the convenience store. want anything? i could pick up something.

SEOKJIN : um... [ shrugs ] ice cream.

JEONGGUK : [ puts the back of his hand onto SEOKJIN'S forehead ] you do have a mild fever. okay. i'll be back. don't leave your bed.

SEOKJIN : okay. [ watches JEONGGUK leave his room, closing the door behind him ] god, what the hell was that?

[ his tired eyes drift over to the ground, and SEOKJIN frowns. ]

SEOKJIN : why is there a pocketknife in my room?

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