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SEOKJIN : i swear, i'll leave you alone to be well on your way after this. have you seen—

??? : i told you, for the tenth time, that i do not know anybody named 'min yoongi'. and his face isn't familiar either—i've only seen him on the news a couple of times. that's it.

SEOKJIN : [ his hand reels back, turning off his phone that displayed a picture of yoongi ] oh... i'm sorry.

??? : why don't you try going to the police about your friend rather than asking random people on the street? i think that's more effective, don't you think so?

SEOKJIN : ...sir, it's been three years. they won't take it. i've already tried years ago. they don't know where he is.

??? : then i guess that you should assume that he is dead. well, i shouldn't be the one telling you what to think, but i honestly believe that you should give up—it's been three years. [ he gives a pitiful smile before walking away ]

SEOKJIN : [ sighs ] maybe he is right... i should stop searching for him... the police haven't found anything, he just disappeared without a trace... but it wouldn't hurt to go find help again, wouldn't it...?

[ SEOKJIN walks the busy streets with a brisk walk, making way to the police station nearby; he clicks his tongue in annoyance when he feels a drop of rain on his hair. SEOKJIN shoves his phone inside the back pocket of his jeans, pulling his hood over his head as he starts to break into a light jog. ]

SEOKJIN : [ breathes heavily ] ah, god, i made it. [ pulls hood off from the top of his head, clothes heavy as it is soaked ]

??? : [ ??? stops in his tracks with a couple of file folders in hand when he sees SEOKJIN, soaked from the rain ] oh, hello. what brings you here? were you caught in the rain?

SEOKJIN : ah, hello, officer. i was on my way here by foot when it started raining—sorry for my... um... lousy and unprofessional appearance.

??? : [ gives a light laugh ] it's fine. but what brings you here?

SEOKJIN : [ gives another heavy sigh as he is out of breath ] i know this attempt would be futile, but i'm here to file in a missing persons report.

??? : hm, a missing persons report, you say? [ stares for a brief second before snapping out of his stance ] ah, sorry. feel free to step into my office, i'll give you a change of clothes as we do. i may have heard the name, or someone may have filed in one for this particular person already. who is it for? [ ??? continues to talk as he leads SEOKJIN into his office ]

SEOKJIN : [ fumbles with his phone, pulling up a picture of YOONGI ] it's him. his name is min yoongi, he's in his mid-twenties, or should be, by now. and... is something wrong, officer?

??? : [ the files fall from his hands, dropping onto the floor as his pupils dilate, possibly with fear ] ...is that... is that him? the missing person?

SEOKJIN : um, yes, it is. is something wrong with that, officer?

??? : ...isn't he the criminal from three years ago that caused a string of murders?

SEOKJIN : officer, there's more to the story than you think you know. you see, my friend, yoongi, has been stalked and the stalker did all sorts of things to look like—

??? : ...my name is park jimin, and i'm one of his victims that survived.


[ a / n ]
what's up my bros you're seeing i'm-looking-for-my-dead-friend!seokjin and police officer!jimin here !! i've missed this plotline omfg (-: i hope my writing skills didn't decimate too much since then rip

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