Gus Fluff

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You could’ve sworn you’d read the directions correctly, but you still couldn’t find the right street. The GPS was worthless; it had you drive around a roundabout seven times before you finally just shut it off. You’d been in your car for almost seven hours now and were on the verge of giving up and calling him, even though it would ruin the surprise.  

            As you sat at a red light you decided to take a right at the next one and see where it takes you before you call him. Once you make the turn you slow down to read the street signs and hallelujah the third street is his! You pull in front of the familiar tan house with Gus’s Tundra parked in the driveway. You parked and got out of the car and slowly walking up to the door you could hear music playing inside and someone singing out of tune along with it. Hearing his voice made you smile as you rang the doorbell. A couple dogs barked inside the house as you heard his voice call to them to quiet down. You held your breath as the door opened.

            “Coon! Sochi! Quiet down or nobody will every come by.” His head was turned, looking back into the house. The dogs fell quiet as Gus turned toward you. He let out an exaggerated gasp and had a goofy grin on his face when he saw you.

            “You’re here!” He cheered and gathered you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his were around your waist.

            “I’ve missed you.” He whispers in your ear as he holds you close.

            “I’ve missed you too.” You say back. When you part he asks you in where you are greeted by two puppies. Well they’re not really puppies, but still not dogs yet. They’re at that playful stage where they’re big but still stretchy. One was brown and black the other had white as well.

            “This is Coon.” Gus said scratching the one with the white’s head. “And that ones Sochi. They just got here a couple days ago.” You bent down to pet the puppy.

            “You named a Sochi puppy Sochi?” You asked he blushed slightly.

            “Yeah, I thought it would make for a good story when you’re out walking her.”

            “Wait me?” He nodded with a smile.

            “You were saying how you get lonely in your apartment so I thought she could be yours.” You thought you might cry when he said this.

            “She’s mine?” You say in a whisper before pulling the pup into a hug, which she replied with a quick lick to your nose. “Thank you Gus.” You pulled away from the dog and gave your boyfriend a kiss.

            “Well, How hungry are you?” Gus asked standing up. “I’ve got Ritz crackers and uhh beer, I think.” You fallowed as he walked into the kitchen. “Oh and ice cream.”  You had to laugh at the assortment of foods.

            “Wow the pro skier diet is pretty tough huh?”

            “Hey I just haven’t gone shopping since I got back from Hood.” He gave a little pout that made him look like a puppy himself. You gave him another kiss.

            “It’s fine, we can go out for dinner tonight, but right now I could use a leg stretcher.” Gus held your waist and gave you a kiss on the lips.

            “What kind of leg stretcher?” His voice was deep and sexy. “Cause I know one that we could do upstairs.”  Though that option did sound good it wasn’t what you wanted.

            “I was thinking something that involved puppies and a park.” Gus made a face like he was weighing the options.

            “Puppies and a park it is!” The two of you hook the puppies up with leaches and start down the road he tells you about the last two weeks up at Hood, you tell him how finals were and what’s happening at work. By the time you reach the park you’re taking a trip down memory lane: how you two met, the snowball fight you had against Bobby and his girlfriend, and how nervous you were when you kissed for the first time.

            When you returned back to Gus’s house he helped you bring your bag inside and you jumped in the shower to get ready for dinner. He wouldn’t tell you where you were going, just that you should dress elegant, and yes he really used that term. After the shower you got dressed and did your makeup. Gus was downstairs singing to the pups when you were ready. You couldn’t wipe the grin you had as you stood at the bottom of the stairs watching him playing with them. He was so sweet it was ridiculous. You quietly walked up behind him.

            “Boo!” You shouted. Gus made a few strange noises before turning around.

            “Jesus you scared me.” He held his hand to his heart. You grinned, as he looked you over. You didn’t go for anything super fancy; just a fitted skirt with a black shirt tucked in, but you did make sure to wear the bra and panty set Gus loves on you. “You look amazing.” He said slightly breathless.

            “Just wait till you see what’s underneath.” You whispered in his ear. “Any way we should go, don’t want to be late!” You walked towards the door, Gus in tow.

            Gus kept his hand on your thigh the entire way to the restaurant, but you were a bit too distracted to tease him. You hadn’t spent very much time in actual Denver the times you’ve been. It was much bigger than you remember, there was a baseball game going on a Cooers Stadium and the streets were full of people walking around.  The night was warm and very inviting. You pulled in to a parking lot. Once you got out you looked around as Gus paid for parking.

            “Ready my lady?” Gus offered his arm to you. You looped yours in his and headed down the street. After a block he led to into nice restaurant. He said the reservation to the host and he led you to a table where Bobby and his girlfriend. After you said your “hello”s, “It’s been so long”s, yata yata yata you guys ordered and dived into the conversation.

            After dinner was over Gus suggested getting ice cream, but with the “These clothes a pretty uncomfortable” line he quickly speed back home in record time. You two raced inside and up the stairs and Gus gave you a wicked grin as he shut the bedroom door behind him.

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