Don't judge a snowboarder by their gender.

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Louie landed on his stomach on the trampoline frustration growing inside him. Both he and Scotty and land this trick perfect in the pipe, but on jumps it’s another story.

“Throw your head more and dip your right shoulder back.” A girl said from the other side of the trampoline, Louie and Scotty looked over to her. She was fairly tall with brown hair pulled into a ponytail she was wearing a large hoodie that covered the shorts she had on underneath.

“I think we know how to do a back dub 12.” Louie spouted; He was defiantly not going to have a girl tell him how to do this trick.

“Obviously not or you’d be landing it.” She snapped back.

            “Well then by all means.” Scotty gestured to the tramp. The girl stepped forward on to it and started to jump. Everyone around the back of the gym was paying attention to the three of them. The girl did a couple back flips before jumping higher. She threw double back flip then did a few strait jumps before she put all of her power into a jump as she reached the height of the jump she threw her head over her shoulder and grabbed her right foot with her right hand. She opened up on the second dip and kicked out her legs, still keeping them snowboard-stance apart, and pushed around the last 180 before landing on the trampoline. People around cheered as she landed and she took a few jumps looking at the embarrassed duo. She took another set up jump before power jumping and throwing the trick the other side too (Switch backside) and landing is perfectly. Everyone cheered again.   She jumped off the tramp onto the mats in front of Scotty and Louie whose faces were flushed.

            “Just because someone is a girl doesn’t mean she doesn’t know something you don’t.” She turned and walked along the edge of the tramp towards the front of the gym. “If you ever wanna land back dub 12 on snow just find me.” She said turning back towards them before smiling and walking away.

It was a perfect bluebird day at Park City. It was sweatshirt weather and the jumps were perfect. Scotty and Louie were having a pretty good day throwing cork fives, flat nines, and perfect methods there was only one thing that wasn’t going their way: the back dub 12. They both tried it several times and landed it a total of zero times. Over rotated, under rotated, Louie even cased. The two headed down towards Three Kings for a jib lap when they saw her. She was leaning against the rail around the burrito place by the lift drinking a cup of water. Scotty nudged Louie and nodded in the girl’s direction. Louie groaned when he saw here, but Scotty shrugged.

            “No.” Louie whispered. Scotty gave him a look. “Dude she’s a chick!” Scotty gave him another look. “No, dude. Gahh. Fine.” The two skated past the ticket gate and toward the eating establishment. Once they unstrapped they headed in her direction. Scotty leaned against the railing next to her so he was facing her Louie was a few feet back. The girl looked at him and grinned.

            “So either you’re here to say that you landed it or you haven’t and by the fact that Louie hasn’t said anything I’m guessing it’s the latter?” Scotty bit the inside of his cheek and Louie shifted uncomfortably. The girl raised her eyebrows.

            “Yes we want your help!” Louie shouted. The girl grinned and grabbed her helmet.

            “Ok.” The two boys stood still as she walked on to the snow while buckling her helmet. “Are ya coming?” she asked while strapping into her board. The guys fallowed and soon they were being whisked off the hill by the 3 Kings lift. The ride up was silent as was the one up Payday. The boys fallowed behind as they entered Kings Crown Park. The girl hit every feature leading up to the jumps, even the Sochi rail section. As they came up to the drop in to the first jump they stopped at the top.

            “So what do we do coach?” Louie asked mockingly. The girl let out a slight chuckle.

            “Do you remember what I told you to do on the trampolines?” neither boy nodded. “Remember to dip your shoulder and that where ever your head goes your body will fallow. I know instinct is to spot your landing but just like in pipe your have to keep tucked for the second cork before you can spot.”  Louie and Scotty both nodded, but neither looked too pleased. The girl sighed. “Just watch.”

            She pointed her board towards the lip of the jump. She carved into the take off. As soon as her board left the snow she dropped her back shoulder and threw her head to the side. She grabbed her board behind her front binding with her front hand and stayed tucked as she came into the second cork. As she came around for the last 360 she opened up and spotted the landing. Her board connected with the snow with a confident slap and she road away and to the knuckle of the next jump. The various other people in the park clapped and cheered for her as she nodded towards Scotty and Louie.

            “Go big or go home.” Scotty said under his voice as he pointed towards the lip. He dipped his back shoulder and led with his head as he rotated in the air. He opened up as he finished the spin. He was a little back heavy and ended up hand dragging a bit, but he landed it. His arms shot in the air as he road up to where the girl was kneeling. She gave him high five then turned her attention back to Louie.

            He fought with him self for a moment before mumbling, “Fuck it” and pointed towards the jump. He did everything she told him too except he spun a little too hard and tucked a little too tight. As he opened up after the 12 he was still high in the air. His momentum caused him to do another 180 and land a little back seat. The girl and Scotty had their arms in the air. Louie butt checked, but he did it, well sorta, instead of the dub back 12 he landed a dub back 14, first try.

            Once the tree had been reunited again the headed down the hill. The girl pointed it from the landing of the second jump into the take off of the third. She did a huge laid out rodeo 7 before heading back down to Payday. When they where in the air again on the lift Scotty spoke.

            “So since you can land a dub 12 and you’re a girl why haven’t we seen you before?” He asked. The girl leaned against the side rail of the chair.

            “I don’t find competing fun anymore.”

            “So you used to compete.” Louie said it as more of a statement than a question. The girl nodded.

            “Since I was seven. My older brother wanted to be a pro snowboarder, and when that didn’t work out for him he pushed me to.” She looked out at the park laid out beneath her. “He had me training at five in the morning everyday, on snow five days a week, and skating every day during the summer by the time I was six.”

            “What you didn’t like it?” Louie asked a bit more intrigued.

            “No I loved it. At that point shred was my life I didn’t know anything else. But as I got older everyone I competed with had their teams and friends at the top of the course cheering them on, I only had my brother telling me what tricks to do on which rails, what grabs to do with which spins on the jumps It just wasn’t fun anymore. And then I got hurt when I was 14 and I called it quits. I started riding back country and that’s honestly my one true love in life now.” Both boys were quiet for a moment.

            “What did you injure?” Scotty asked.

            “Took a jump a little to far to the side, ended up missing the landing altogether. Shattered my ankle, tore my ham-string, and completely wrecked my shoulder.” The two nodded.

            “Who’s your brother?” Scotty asked

            “Bud Keene.”

            “Bud Keene as in Shaun White’s coach Bun keene?” Scotty asked stunned. The girl nodded.

            “Yup that’s the one.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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