Gettin' You Home- Torin Thirst

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Your parents are officially crazy. Why the hell did they think going to Aspen in summer would be a good idea? It’s a freaking ski town for god’s sake! What is there to do with no snow?

            The house your family was renting for the summer was nice but a little small; you had your own room but there was only one bathroom. After a week there (almost all of which you spent in your room with your laptop) you finally took a stroll around the park a few blocks from the house. You were on your way back when you heard a skateboard coming towards you. You expected it, and the person in it to roll right past you, but it didn’t, it slowed down as it reached you.”

            “Hey!” A male voice said as you turned toward it.

            “Hi?” You say as more of a question than a greeting.

            “You don’t live here do you?” The boys brown hair was falling around his face, he hat on backwards. His head was tilted to the side and down, there was a little smile on his face, and his eyes were squinted trying to block out the sun.

            “No, my families saying here for the summer.” You felt like an idiot for bringing up for family while talking to your Olympic crush.

            “So that means you’re going to be here tonight.” He wasn’t exactly asking.  You nodded. “Good there’s this party tonight, you should come.”

            “I don’t know anyone around here.”

            “You’ll get to know people.” He smiled at you tilting his head and raising his eyebrows causing flutters to erupt in your stomach.

            “Uhh where is it?” His smile grew.

            “Ya see that house over there on the hill, with the white chimney?” You nodded. “That’s where it’ll be, show up around ten-ish?”

            “Ok.” You nodded again.

            “Great. See you there.” He turned and skated back to where he came from. You let out a giddy chuckle as you started walking towards your house.

            You looked at yourself in the mirror. Debating whether or not to actually go to the party. You really didn’t actually know a single person that would be there, even Torin you had just spoke to for a minute. You did kind of want to go just to see Torin, but then again the idea made you feel like you were going to puke. You decide to leave it up to your parents, if they said no you’ll stay, if they said yes (highly unlikely, I mean who seriously lets their daughter go to a strangers party in a town they don’t know) then you would go.

            You did one more check in the mirror, making sure your shorts and top were right and your eyeliner was even before you headed downstairs.

            “Why are you all dressed up?” You dad asked from the living room.

            “Umm there is a party.”

            “A party?” You mom asked surprised.

            “Yeah A guy I met today invited me. Can I go?” You parents looked at each other.

            “Of course!” Your mom said, a little to enthusiastic.

            “Wait really?”

            “Yeah, it would be good for you, go out make some friends around here.”

            “And we could have the house to our selves.” You dad said winking at your mom.”

            “To much information.” You said as you walked toward the front door.

            “You have the code to the garage right?” You mom asked you nodded and stepped out in to the cool night air.

            The loud music led you to the house on the hill, it wasn’t too far of a walk but it was long enough to let your nerves kick in. Cars were crowding the outside and loud music flowed out the front door. You took a deep breath as you walked into the open door of the house. A couple was kissing in the hall way as you made your way deeper in. the lights were off and a strobe light was I the corner by the DJ. The living room was packed with dancing people and the perimeter was crowed with people drinking and talking. You walked through and into the kitchen that was primarily empty, but the counters were covered in dozens of different kinds of beer and alcohol, half empty solo cups and a giant bowl of skittles. You filled a clean cup up with what was left of the keg and headed into the next room. This one contained several boys playing a video game on large couches. You took a right and headed down the stairs. The next level was large and open, well it would’ve been if it hadn’t been filled with people. More music was being played on one side and a crowd was gathered around a pool table on the other side. It was at this point you felt rather under dressed; most the girls there were wearing short skirts or dresses, 4-inch heels and showing almost all of their boobs. You walked over and watch the game of pool going on. A few guys came up and made small talk, but none of them were the boy you were looking for. After what felt like an eternity, or at least an hour you headed out to the balcony; the cool air felt good after being in a crowed room. You looked out at the view of the lit up town. Down below you noticed there was a pool and patio area that was completely empty. You walked along the balcony towards the stairs leading down.

            You leaned against a wall separating the patio and pool area, it was much quieter down here, the music from the poolroom was audible from here, but the lack of people made it much nicer.

            “You made it.”  A familiar voice said from behind you.

            “I did, and I feel a little over dressed.” You took a sip of your beer. Torin laughed and leaned against the wall next to you.

            “Well that’s defiantly not what most girls wear when they come to parties here, but I think you look good.” You blushed, as he looked you over. “So tell me about yourself.”

            You too ended up sitting on a double lounge chair by the pool for at least an hour. Honestly he was a lot like you had expected: funny, incredibly ADD, and still a 18 year old boy; but he was still intelligent and could hold a pretty decent conversation.

            “Why’d you invite me?” You asked.

            “I though you were pretty, and you looked bored.” You blushed.

            “I was bored.” He let out a chuckle.

            “Yeah there’s not a lot to do here in the summer, but it’s pretty fun in the winter.”

            “I can imagine!” You both laughed a little and then the song that was being played the level above changed to Ride by SoMo and you were suddenly aware of how close Torin and you were. You were laying on your back and him on his side facing you. You noticed he was watching you and you kept sifting your gaze between his eyes and his mouth. You breathed in quickly as he leaned forward, your lips meeting his. The kiss quickly deepened and he shifted so his was above you. One of your hands was tangled in his hair and the other was bunching up the top of his shirt while his was running up the side of your body. At that moment in time you didn’t care where you were or who was around It was only you and him. And you would’ve stayed there forever if police sirens hadn’t been quickly approaching the house. Torin pulled away from you and in a very breathless let irresistible voice said

            “My house Is only a block away.”

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