Sharing the Gospel

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This is my way of sharing the GOSPEL with others.

The Bible says that there shalt be no starless crown in Heaven. This means that all believers of Christ, of his second coming, and of worshiping on Saturday, the holy Sabbath Day of Rest, should share the gospel with others.

It doesn't have to be just your neighbour, friends, parents, siblings, relatives, schoolmates, workmates or someone you know. You should share it with the whole world. When starting to share the Gospel, the first people should be your family. If you grew up in an Adventist environment like me, start sharing with the closet people to you, like your boyfriend, or girlfriend, and friends.

Ways of sharing the Gospel are:

1) Using social media to tell people.

You could text a scripture or send a thought for the day.

2) Inviting people to church.

When you ask people to come to church, they naturally tend to want to find a way to say no.

3) Writing books or suggesting to someone to read spiritual books.

There is a famous Adventist writer named Ellen G. White. She has over a hundred books that can really help you understand the Bible.

Here is a site that you can go on:

4) Actually telling them.

Now-a-day's people tend to shun the Bible and it's messages because it takes away their fun. It doesn't. It helps you stay away from sin.

5) Letting others see him through you.

If you are a faithful Adventist or Christian, it will be much easier for others to see Jesus through you just by your behavior and reaction in situations.

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