Thoughts part 2

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Love of Money

People are in constant pursuit of happiness only sadly, they are searching in all the wrong places. There are many who measure success in terms of how much money they have but all the money in the world won’t bring true joy and contentment. The devil cunningly encourages you to desire more and more, keeping your focus on obtaining the material things in this world. Television commercials, advertisements, and magazines are designed to entice you to feel the need to be rich, tempting you to make financial wealth your highest priority. But what really counts is not how wealthy you are, but rather God’s presence in your life. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:5, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” No matter how fat your bank account is - without God,  your life will be meaningless and without purpose. Instead of searching for gold - seek out a closer relationship with Jesus - making Him your highest priority and you will find real happiness. Text: Matthew 6:20-21, Philippians 4:19, John 12:26

The Peace Keeper

When tempers rise and accusations are flying through the air, if something isn’t done to defuse the situation, it can easily escalate into something far worse than “losing your temper.” Screaming and hollering, and getting angry -  really doesn’t make things better. In fact, it makes it worse. Once words are spoken - you can never take them back and more importantly, being mean and sarcastic is not a behavior of a Christian. If your life feels like you are in the middle of a thunderstorm and you’re being tossed around in a fierce wind - you need the ultimate “Peace Keeper,” Jesus Christ. You simply cannot  live with that level of stress and experience the abundant life God wants you to have. The Bible has quite a bit to say about the importance of “peace.” In 1 Corinthians 14:23 we’re told, “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace.” If you think that peace is not possible - think again, because God has given a wonderful promise in Psalm 29:11, “The Lord will give strength to His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace.” Pray and ask God to come into your heart and life today and give you His perfect peace. He will!  The next time your temper starts to rear it’s ugly head - call out to Jesus for help! Claim His promise in Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, Because he trusts in You.” Allow Jesus to be your “Peace Keeper,” today . . . and every day!  Text: Isaiah 32:17, John 14:27, Mark 4:39

Quicksand of Grief

When you lose someone you love, it’s only natural that you mourn your loss although sometimes people don’t know when it’s time to move on. Everyone expresses their feelings very differently. Some hide their sorrow stuffing the pain deep within pretending they are fine when  they're not. Others dress in black and for months, even years are not able to muster up even the tiniest smile. There’s no shame in expressing grief. Even the Bible says in John 11:35 that “Jesus wept.” Our Lord is no stranger to grief and He empathizes with His children whose hearts are burdened with pain. The Bible says in Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” However God doesn’t want you to get stuck in the quicksand of grief. When you focus only on your loss - you forget to “live.” Crying a bucket of tears or even an ocean full - won’t bring back your loved one. Nor is it healthy for you as you sink lower and lower into the pit of depression. Anyone who really loved you, would not want you to grieve for them forever - and neither does God. There comes a point when you need to move on and experience the life God has planned for you. If your heart is aching the first question you ask is, “But how in the world do I do that?” And the answer is by bringing your pain and heartache to Jesus and ask Him to carry your heavy load. Claim Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” There is life after grief -  give your burden of loss to Jesus today and start living the abundant life God wants to give you. Text: 1 Samuel 16:1, Psalm 56:8, Revelation 21:4

By one day’s neglect Joseph and Mary lost the Saviour; but it cost them three days of anxious search to find Him. So with us. By idle talk, evilspeaking, or neglect of prayer, we may in one day lose the Saviour’s presence, and it may take many days to find Him and regain the peace we have lost.  - Have a great day

Each one possesses in himself the source of his own happiness or wretchedness. If you will, you may rise above the low, sentimental feeling which makes up the experience of many, but if you're self inflated, the lord can do nothing for you. Put your trust in the lord and you will set free. Have a happy Sabbath!!!!!!!

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