Thought for the day

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End Self-Loathing

Sadly, many people spend much of their lives hating themselves because they are not who they “wish” they were. Some resent the family they were born to or the color of their skin, while others want to be taller, skinnier or better looking. Some are despondent and even angry because they have physical disabilities while others blame God for not giving them good health. Others fall into despair thinking that when they lose weight, get a better job, or suddenly develop a dynamic personality - then they would be happy. Self loathing is never productive and as long as Satan can keep you in a state of torment - then he wins! Instead of spending time hating all your shortcomings - embrace the person God made you to be! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” Simply put, you were created by the King of the Universe - each uniquely special and given individual physical characteristics, personalities, and talents that make you special. God doesn’t make mistakes and He loves His children all the same - He doesn’t play favorites. Because of sin, you won’t have a perfect body until you get to heaven - so instead of wallowing in self pity - put an end to self-loathing and learn to love the person God created you to be - praising Him for His wonderful works. Text: Psalm 139:14-17, 1 Corinthians 4:7-13, John 3:16

And this is for today, August 18, 2017.

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