Thought for Friday, January 12, 2018

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Just Be Real

You might be surprised to know that God loves “you!”  Yes, the same “you” that makes mistakes, is filled with flaws and has real struggles . . . for He loves “you” just the way you are. He’s not waiting for you to be “perfect” before He extends His love to you nor is He wanting you to pretend to have it all together for His benefit! Just be real with God - without pretense. Talk to Him heart to heart, in your own down to earth voice. He’s not wanting a polished, proper, flowery prayer - but rather honest, “real talk” - friend to friend. There’s nothing worse than being fake - and just like most people can see right through the pretense . . . so can God. Being “real” with your heavenly Father allows your heart to be open so that God can not only speak to you, but transform you! There are plenty of religious fakes in the world who don’t have a clue who God really is. The truth is, being dishonest, or misrepresenting truth is a sin, for the Bible says in Proverbs 12:22, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.” Make Jesus your Best Friend, by having an open, honest relationship with Him - or in other words, be yourself - and “Just Be Real!”

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