The death

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      As we were planning a surprise attack, I noticed that Pavel was acting weird. He then sat down while Spock and Kirk were arguing who should go down and who should stay. I said "You're alright, Pavel?" He nodded and said "I'm fine. I'm just getting a headache." I went over to where he was sitting and put my hand on his shoulder.

Dean said "Okay then. So what are we going to do about the army and Balthazar, or Krall?" Scotty asked from the computer "Wait, what? How do you his name?" Dean got pale and shrugged. Kirk asked "Dean and Scotty, do both of you know something we don't know about?" Scotty said "Well I was going looking at pictures of the old crew and did my research on each of them, especially Balthazar M. Edison who happens to be Krall. I don't know how Dean knows it since he's over there."

We all look at Dean and he said "Okay, I have been working with him and telling him everything. He knows that all of us, even that alien girl, are here." Bones said "God damn it, Dean. Are you an idiot?" Kirk said "He is and an asshole." Dean said "Im sorry guys but I had to. If I didn't do as he said then he would kill my family." I said "What about us Dean? We have our own families to worry about!" Dean said "I know Y/N. But I care about my family and I want to keep them safe." Bones said "We care about our families too! We all want to keep them safe! Sulu and I both have little girls waiting for us! Y/N and Chekov have their parents and their siblings. Kirk has his mom. Scotty has his family. Spock, he has his dad and Uhura. Do you really think you would get away with this?"

The next thing we know, Dean put up his phaser up to his head and said "No I didn't and I'm really sorry." Then he pulled the trigger and collapsed on to the ground. I yelled out "NO!" Then I ran to his dead body and started to shake it. He might have cheated on me but he was my childhood friend. Chekov went up to me and said "Y/N, I'm sorry. But he had betrayed us and you. He vas a jerk." I sighed while tears were coming down my checks. Kirk said "Y/N, we have to take his body off the ship." I nodded and sighed. We then took his body off the ship and Scotty said "Don't worry, lassie. We will do a proper funeral when we get back to Yorktown." I nodded and said "Thanks Scotty."

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